Neuralgia amiotrófica

CASO CLÍNICO 06-02 Fecha: Febrero – 2006 Hospital: Hospital da Costa. Hospital comarcal de Monforte de Lemos (Lugo) Moderadores: Dr. Vaquero, Dr. Caeiro Neuralgia amiotrófica Caso aportado por Dres. I. Valenciano Bilbao y S. Pagazaurtundúa Gómez Historia Clínica Paciente masculino de 23 años que consulta por dolor y debilidad en hombro izquierdo de aproximadamente 1 […]

Escoliosis secundaria a tumor vertebral

CASO CLÍNICO 04-10 Fecha: Octubre – 2004 Hospital: Complexo Hospitalario Juan Canalejo (A Coruña) Moderadores: Dr. Novillo, Dr. Vaquero, Dr. Caeiro Escoliosis secundaria a tumor vertebral Caso aportado por Dres. Pedro González Herranz, Luis García y Suárez Guijarro. Historia Clínica Niña de 12 años de edad que está siendo vista en la consulta externa por […]

Dolor lumbar de larga evolución

CASO CLÍNICO 04-02 Fecha: Febrero – 2004 Hospital: Complexo Hospitalario de Ourense (Ourense) Moderadores: Dr. Caeiro, Dr. Novillo Dolor lumbar de larga evolución Caso aportado por Dr. Diego Novillo Dolor lumbar de larga evolución Caso aportado por el Dr. Diego Novillo Complexo Hospitalario de Ourense Ourense. España. e-mail: Historia Clínica Mujer de 18 años, […]

Posterior Lumbar Fusion: Choice of Approach and Adjunct Techniques

Charla R. Fischer J Am Acad Orthop Surg August 2014 vol. 22 no. 8 The choice among the many options of approach and adjunct techniques in planning a posterior lumbar fusion can be problematic. Debates remain as to whether solid fusion has an advantage over pseudarthrosis regarding long-term symptom deterioration and whether an instrumented or […]

Traumatic Atlanto-occipital Dislocation in Children

Nelson Astur J Am Acad Orthop Surg. May 2014 vol. 22 no. 5 Abstract Although once considered an invariably fatal injury, improvements in diagnosis and management have made atlanto-occipital dislocation (AOD) a survivable injury. MRI is the preferred imaging modality; occasionally, flexion/extension/distraction fluoroscopy may be required to determine craniovertebral stability. Early surgical stabilization is recommended […]

Adhesive Capsulitis of the Hip: A Review

Colin G. Looney J Am Acad Orthop Surg December 2013 vol. 21 no. 12 Abstract Adhesive capsulitis of the hip (ACH) is a rare clinical entity. Similar to adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder, ACH is characterized by a painful decrease in active and passive range of motion as synovial inflammation in the acute stages of […]

Choosing Fusion Levels in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

Per David Trobisch J Am Acad Orthop SurgSeptember 2013vol. 21 no. 9 Abstract Correct identification of fusion levels in surgical planning for the management of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is a complex task. Several classification systems and algorithms exist to assist surgeons in determining the appropriate levels to be instrumented. The Lenke classification is the benchmark […]

Wrong-site Spine Surgery

Mark A. Palumbo, MD, Abstract Wrong-site spine surgery is an adverse event that has potentially devastating consequences for the patient as well as the surgeon. Despite substantial efforts to prevent wrong-site spine surgery, this complication continues to occur and has the potential for serious medical, personal, and legal repercussions. Although systems-based prevention methods are effective […]

Patient-reported Outcome Measures in Spine Surgery

John D. McCormick J Am Acad Orthop Surg February 2013 ; 21 Abstract The ultimate goals of intervention for spinal pathology are to improve the patient’s quality of life, restore function, and relieve pain. Traditional clinician-based assessments typically fall short of adequately addressing these important outcomes because these assessments are inherently biased and may not […]

Adjacent Segment Disease Following Cervical Spine Surgery

Samuel K. Cho, Abstract Cervical spine surgery is broadly divided into fusion and nonfusion procedures. Anterior cervical diskectomy and fusion (ACDF) is a common procedure, although adjacent segment disease following the surgery is an ongoing clinical concern. Adjacent segment cervical disease occurs in approximately 3% of patients per year, with an expected incidence of 25% […]

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