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11 Congreso Conjunto AEA-SEROD | 2024

Artículos médicos


Es bien conocido por todos nosotros que en los últimos años se ha desarrollado un interés creciente por las repercusiones que el acortamiento del sistema aquíleo-calcáneo-plantar (SACP) puede tener en su correcto funcionamiento durante la marcha, así como la posibilidad de generar patologías en el pie y el tobillo, o incluso en otras localizaciones a distancia. El acortamiento de cualquier componente del sistema gastrocnemio-sóleo-aquíleo-calcáneo-plantar puede generar un incremento de la tensión que aumente las solicitaciones mecánicas en el tendón de Aquiles, la fascia plantar y/o el antepié, contribuyendo al desarrollo de múltiples patologías tales como las metatarsalgias estáticas, fascitis plantar, hallux limitus/rigidus, tendinopatía aquílea o pie plano valgo, entre otras.  En nuestra práctica clínica diaria, son cada vez más frecuentes los casos en los que asociamos el gesto quirúrgico del alargamiento proximal del gastrocnemio medial (APGM) para complementar el procedimiento específico utilizado para resolver cada patología.

Chopart dislocations: a review of diagnosis, treatment and outcomes

Chopart injuries can be allocated into 4 broad groups, ligamentous injury with or without dislocation and fracture with or without dislocation, which must occur at the talonavicular joint (TNJ) and/or calcaneocuboid joint (CCJ). Chopart dislocations are comprised of pure-dislocations and fracture-dislocations. We aim to review the literature, to enable evidence-based recommendations.

Complications following surgical treatment of posterior malleolar fractures: an analysis of 300 cases

The treatment of ankle fractures and fracture-dislocations involving the posterior malleolus (PM) has undergone considerable changes over the past decade. The aim of our study was to identify risk factors related to the occurrence of complications in surgically treated ankle fractures with PM involvement.

Current Concepts Review: Hallux Rigidus

Arthritis of the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint, hallux rigid, is a common and disabling source of foot pain in the adult population. Hallux rigidus is characterized by diseased cartilage and large, periarticular osteophytes that result in a stiff, painful joint. Activity modification, sensible shoes, orthotics, anti-inflammatory medications and occasional intra-articular steroid injections can be attempted to alleviate the discomfort associated with hallux rigidus. A number of surgical options exist for the treatment of recalcitrant hallux rigidus. Cheilectomy is a useful treatment for dorsal impingement pain seen in mild hallux rigidus. A new polyvinyl alcohol hemi-arthroplasty implant has shown promising early and midterm results in the treatment of advanced hallux rigidus; however, arthrodesis of the first MTP joint remains the gold standard treatment for advanced hallux rigidus because of unpredictable outcomes after early-generation joint replacement implants.

Hallux Valgus

Hallux valgus is a common condition that results from a complex positional deformity of the first ray. The bunion or medial prominence that results from the lateral deviation and pronation of the hallux is only one component of the 3-dimensional deformity. Hallux valgus can lead to considerable pain and altered joint mechanics. The precise biomechanical etiology remains under debate. Predisposing factors include female sex, age, constricting footwear, and family history. Metatarsus adductus, equinus contracture, hammertoe deformity, and pes planus often coexist with hallux valgus. Nonoperative treatment involves patient education, shoe modifications, toe pads and positioning devices, and activity modifications. Surgery is considered in patients who fail nonoperative treatment with the goal of pain relief, correction of the deformity, improved first ray stability, and improved quality of life. More than 100 different procedures have been described to treat hallux valgus; they include combinations of soft tissue balancing, metatarsal osteotomies, and fusion of either the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) or tarsometatarsal (TMT) joint. The choice of procedures depends on the severity and location of the deformity as well as surgeon preference. Recent advances in operative techniques include minimally invasive surgery and correction of rotational deformity.

Claims in orthopedic foot/ankle surgery, how can they help to improve quality of care? A retrospective claim analysis

Ofertas de empleo

IMPORTANTE: SOGACOT publica ofertas de empleo que recibe de diferentes fuentes, pero desconoce la disponibilidad actual de las mismas. Para más información, por favor visita el enlace o correo publicado en cada oferta.

Médico Especialista en Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología

Fundación Asistencial de Mutua de Terrassa

Médico/a Especialista en Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología


IMED Hospitales (Levante) – Especialista en Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología – contrato indefinido

IMED Levante (Benidorm)

Enlaces recomendados


Sociedad Española de Medicina y Cirugía del Pie y Tobillo


American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle society


European Foot and Ankle Society


International Federation of Foot & Ankle Societies


Minimally Invasive Foot & Ankle Surgery

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