Osteoarthritis of the Ankle: The Role of Arthroplasty
NULL J Am Acad Orthop Surg, Vol 16, No 5, May 2008, 249-259. Loretta B. Chou, Michael T. Coughlin, Sigvard Hansen, Jr, Andrew Haskell, Gregg Lundeen, Charles L. Saltzman, and Roger A. Mann. This Symposium was presented at the AAOS 73rd Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, March 22-26, 2006. Total ankle arthroplasty was developed to reduce […]
Intra-articular block compared with conscious sedation for closed reduction of ankle fracture-dislocations. A prospective randomized trial
NULL J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2008 Apr;90(4):731-4. White BJ, Walsh M, Egol KA, Tejwani NC. BACKGROUND: Ankle fracture-dislocations require urgent reduction to protect the soft tissues, to minimize articular injury, and to allow swelling to decrease. Conscious sedation is commonly used to provide analgesia for closed reduction of this injury. We hypothesized that an […]
Fluoroquinolone-induced Achilles tendon rupture
NULL Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2008 Feb;133(6):241-4. Article in German Maurin N. Abstract HISTORY AND ADMISSION FINDINGS: A 72-year-old female dialysis patient with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus who was under long-term medication with oral prednisolone due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was given levofloxacin for one week to treat an acute bronchitis (one 500 mg dose on […]
Rotura parcial del ligamento cruzado anterior. (I)
Wolf Petersen M.D., a, and Thore Zantop M.D.a aDepartment of Trauma, Hand, and Reconstructive Surgery, Wilhelms University Muenster, Münster, Germany Abstract The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) consists of two major fiber bundles, namely the anteromedial (AM) and posterolateral (PL) bundles. Although disagreement exists among arthroscopic surgeons about the occurrence of isolated ruptures of the AM […]
Fracturas peripostéticas sobre una revisión de artroplastia total de rodilla.
«Fracturas peripostéticas sobre una revisión de artroplastia total de rodilla. Una revisión de mejor práctica.» Graham Walsha, d, , , Sudhindran Ankarathb, and Peter V. Giannoudisc, aDepartment of Orthopaedics, Pinderfields Hospitals, Aberford Road, Wakefield WF1 4EE, UK bDepartment of Orthopaedics, Huddersfield Royal Infirmary, Acre Street, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD3 3EA, UK cDepartment of Trauma and […]
Resultados de las fracturas por estrés del talón. (I)
Markus J. Sormaala, MD*,,, Maria H. Niva, MD, PhD,, Martti J. Kiuru, MD, PhD, MSc, Ville M. Mattila, MD, PhD and Harri K. Pihlajamäki, MD, PhD From the Centre of Military Medicine, Helsinki, Finland, Department of Radiology, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland, and Orton Hospital, Helsinki, Finland Background: Stress fractures of the talus are […]
Contribuciones de la disfunción tibial anterior y posterior en deformidad de pié
«Contribuciones de la disfunción tibial anterior y posterior a la deformidad de pié varus en pacientes con parálisis cerebral.» Michael G. Michlitsch, MD1, Susan A. Rethlefsen, PT2 and Robert M. Kay, MD2 1 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90033 2 Children’s Orthopaedic Center, Children’s Hospital […]
El clavo del peroné para el tratamiento de las fracturas del tobillo…(I)
«El clavo del peroné para el tratamiento de las fracturas del tobillo en pacientes mayores y de riesgo elevado. « Appleton, Paul MD; McQueen, Margaret MD; Court-Brown, Charles MD Abstract: Ankle fractures in the elderly are increasing in incidence, and comorbidities, including diabetes, steroid use, and osteoporosis, can make these injuries difficult to treat in […]
Síntomas asociados con el tiempo después de las lesiones de tobillo.(I)
«Síntomas asociados con el tiempo después de las lesiones de tobillo. ¿Mito o realidad?» G. Chamia, b, , , E. Mouldera, c and A. Mohsena aDepartment of Orthopaedics, Hull Royal Infirmary, Hull and East Yorkshire NHS Trust, Hull HU3 2JZ, United Kingdom bDepartment of Computer Science, Hull University, United Kingdom cYorkshire Deanery Rotation, United Kingdom […]
Informe de un caso de hueso accesorio en el pie. (I)
Julian R. Northover, a, and Steven A. Milnera aDepartment of Trauma and Orthopaedics, Derbyshire Royal Infirmary, London Road, Derby, Derbyshire DE1 2QY, United Kingdom Abstract We report the case of an accessory bone at the base of the 5th metatarsal found incidentally in a 50 year-old man. This accessory bone does not fit the description […]