Resultados de la reintervención para la luxación de cadera: Imagen importante.

Morrey, Bernard F MD Abstract: Hip instability remains a costly complication of primary (3%) and revision (10%) procedures. In those with well-oriented components, instability may be anticipated in about 70% from advancement of the trochanter. Articular reorientation readily is affected by the use of modular cups with elevated rims. This has proven to be an […]

Osteosíntesis y osteotomía en fractura de cuello de fémur. (Inglés)

«Osteosíntesis y osteotomía intertrocantérica de abducción primaria en fractura de cuello de fémur intracapsular desplazada en adultos con osteoporosis.» N. K. Magu, , a, Roop Singha, Rahul Mittala, Ravinder Garga, Ashim Wokhlub and Ashwini K. Sharmaa a Department of Orthopaedics, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Pt. B.D. Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak, Haryana, India b Countess of Chester […]

Osteotomía trocantérica deslizante modificada en revisión de artroplastia…

«Osteotomía trocantérica deslizante modificada en la revisión de la artroplastia total de cadera.» Stuart Goodman, MD, PhD, FRCSC, FACS * * [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Ari Pressman, MD, BSc (Med), FRCSC † [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Hillary Saastamoinen, BSc † [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Allan Gross, MD, FRCSC † [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Abstract Traditional trochanteric sliding osteotomy preserves the lateral aspect of […]

Movimiento pélvico intraoperatorio en la artroplatia total de cadera.(Inglés)

Isao Asayama, MD * * [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Yuichiro Akiyoshi, MD * [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Masatoshi Naito, MD * [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Masamitsu Ezoe, MD * [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Abstract In total hip arthroplasty (THA) in which the posterolateral approach is used, the pelvis can be easily inclined to roll both backward or forward on the operating table during […]

Enfermedad de Perthes y trombofilia. (Inglés)

Vinod V. Balasa, MD, MBBS1, Ralph A. Gruppo, MD1, Charles J. Glueck, MD2, Ping Wang, PHD2, Dennis R. Roy, MD3, Eric J. Wall, MD1, Charles T. Mehlman, DO, MD1 and Alvin H. Crawford, MD1 1 Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center, Hematology/Oncology Division (V.V.B. and R.A.G.) and Department of Orthopedics (E.J.W., C.T.M., and A.H.C.), Cincinnati Children’s Hospital […]

Incisión única, artroplastia total de cadera mínimamente invasiva. (Inglés)

«Incisión única, artroplastia total de cadera mínimamente invasiva: La longitud no importa.» de Beer J, Petruccelli D, Zalzal P, Winemaker MJ. Hamilton Arthroplasty Group, Hamilton Health Sciences, Henderson Hospital, Faculty of Medical Sciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. A pilot cohort study of 60 primary total hip arthroplasties (THAs) was undertaken to evaluate the technical […]

Resultados y experiencias de la remodelación de la artrodesis de cadera.(Alemán)

Schuh A, Zeiler G, Werber S. Orthopadische Klinik Rummelsberg, Schwarzenbruck. INTRODUCTION. With the predictably good outcome of total hip arthroplasty today (THA), hip arthrodesis currently has limited indications. Over the long term, however, most patients develop secondary degenerative arthritis in the spine, contralateral hip, and ipsilateral knee due to overloading. The deteriorating condition of these […]

Destino de la descarga siguiente al reemplazo total electivo de cadera. (Inglés)

«Determinantes del destino de la descarga siguiente al reemplazo total electivo de cadera.» Paola de Pablo 1 *, Elena Losina 2, Charlotte B. Phillips 1, Anne H. Fossel 1, Nizar Mahomed 3, Elizabeth A. Lingard 4, Jeffrey N. Katz 1 1Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 2Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical […]

Resolución espontánea de la osteonecrosis de la cabeza del fémur. (Inglés)

Edward Y. Cheng, MD1, Issada Thongtrangan, MD1, Alan Laorr, MD3 and Khaled J. Saleh2 1 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Clinical Outcomes Research Center, University of Minnesota, 2450 Riverside Avenue South, R200, Minneapolis, MN 55454. E-mail address for E.Y. Cheng: 2 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Virginia, 400 Ray C. Hunt Drive, Charlottesville, […]

Funcionalidad de la cadera en adultos con parálisis cerebral severa. (Inglés)

Kenneth J. Noonan, MD1, Jed Jones, MD2, John Pierson, MD3, Nicholas J. Honkamp, MD4 and Glen Leverson, PhD1 1 K4 732 Clinical Science Center, 600 Highland Avenue, Madison, WI 53792. E-mail address for K.J. Noonan: 2 Department of Orthopaedics, Indiana University School of Medicine, 541 Clinical Drive – CL600, Indianapolis, IN 46202 3 Fort […]

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