Cirugía de incisión mínima para la técnica de artroplastia total de cadera…

«Cirugía de incisión mínima para la técnica de artroplastia total de cadera para el abordaje anterior lateral.» Jones, Richard «Dickey » Abstract: Purpose of review: Total hip arthroplasty performed with the use of minimal incision surgery has received tremendous attention recently. Various surgical approaches have been introduced or modified to minimize surgical trauma to the […]

Tratamiento de la osteonecrosis de la cabeza del fémur. (Inglés)

«Tratamiento de la osteonecrosis de la cabeza del fémur con descomprensión de la médula y proteína morfogenética de hueso humano.» Lieberman, Jay R MD; Conduah, Augustine MD; Urist, Marshall R MD * Abstract: A retrospective evaluation was done of 15 patients (17 hips) with symptomatic osteonecrosis of the hip treated with core decompression combined with […]

Intervención artroscópica en la enfermedad temprana de cadera.(Inglés)

McCarthy, Joseph C MD; Lee, Jo-Ann MS Abstract: Advancement in diagnostic and therapeutic applications for hip arthroscopy have dispelled previous myths about early hip disease. Arthroscopic findings have established the following facts: Acetabular labral tears do occur; acetabular chondral lesions do exist; tears are most frequently anterior and often associated with sudden twisting or pivoting […]

Dolor de cadera definido para estudios de población.(Inglés)

F Birrell1,*, M Lunt1, G J Macfarlane2 and A J Silman1 1 ARC Epidemiology Unit, University of Manchester Medical School, Manchester, UK 2 Unit of Chronic Disease Epidemiology, University of Manchester Medical School Background: Identifying pain as coming from the hip joint is more complex than for other large joint sites. There is no accepted […]

Biomecánica de las cabezas femorales grandes: Qué hacen y que no hacen. (Inglés)

Crowninshield, Roy D PHD *; Maloney, William J MD +; Wentz, Douglas H *; Humphrey, Steve M *; Blanchard, Cheryl R PHD * Abstract: The stability and durability of total hip reconstruction is dependent on many factors that include the design and anatomic orientation of prosthetic components. An analysis of femoral component head size and […]

Estudio longitudinal del desarrollo normal de la cadera por ultrasonido. (Inglés

Riad JP, Cundy P, Gent RJ, Piotto L, Morris L, Hirte C. Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia. In the management of a newborn’s hips, ultrasonography has proven to be useful. The progression of measurements at different ages in normal hips has not been thoroughly investigated. The purpose of this prospective study was […]

Reaparición de la artroplastia de cadera. (Alemán)

Knecht A, Witzleb WC, Gunther KP. Klinik fur Orthopadie, Universitatsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus der TU Dresden, . Currently, an increase in resurfacing arthroplasty in the treatment of hip osteoarthritis-especially in young adults-can be observed. New bearing technologies (mainly metal-on-metal surfaces) show better tribologic results than historical designs (e.g. the Wagner cup).At present, it is unclear […]

Screening por ultrasonido para el desarrollo de la displasia de cadera. (Inglés)

«Eficacia del screening por ultrasonido para el desarrollo de la displasia de cadera.» E A Roovers1, M M Boere-Boonekamp1, R M Castelein2, G A Zielhuis3 and T H Kerkhoff1 1 University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands 2 University Medical Center, Utrecht, the Netherlands 3 University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, the Netherlands Objective: To determine the effectiveness […]

Rehabilitación y recuperación rápidas con artroplastia total de cadera… (Ing.)

«Rehabilitación y recuperación rápidas con artroplastia total de cadera mínimamente invasiva.» Berger, Richard A MD; Jacobs, Joshua J MD; Meneghini, R Michael MD; Della Valle, Craig MD; Paprosky, Wayne MD; Rosenberg, Aaron G MD Abstract: To assess the potential recovery rate of a minimally invasive total hip replacement technique with minimal soft tissue disruption, an […]

Curva de aprendizaje para la doble incisión en el reemplazo total de cadera.

Archibeck, Michael J MD; White, Richard E Jr MD Abstract: Recently there has been increased interest in doing total hip replacement through small incisions. One such technique is the two-incision approach. After initial investigations into its feasibility, Zimmer developed a training program for surgeons interested in doing the so called MIS 2-Incision Hip Procedure. An […]

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