Artrítis séptica sobre cadera con enfermedad de Perthes

CASO CLÍNICO 06-06 Fecha: Junio – 2006 Hospital: Complexo Hospitalario Arquitecto Marcide (A Coruña) Moderadores: Dr. Vaquero, Dr. Caeiro Artrítis séptica sobre cadera con enfermedad de Perthes Caso aportado por Dres. Souto Rey y Garea Loureiro Historia Clínica Niña de 7 años y 8 meses que acude a urgencias de nuestro hospital por dolor en […]

Necrosis Cefálica Tras Fractura Pertrocanterea

CASO CLÍNICO 06-01 Fecha: Enero – 2006 Hospital: Fundación Pública Hospital de VERIN (Ourense) Moderadores: Dr. Vaquero, Dr. Caeiro Necrosis Cefálica Tras Fractura Pertrocanterea Caso aportado por Dres. Francisco Pombo Taboada, Eduardo Vaquero Cervino, Jesús Vidal Campos, Diego Novillo Casal Historia Clínica Mujer de 83 años de edad que sufre un atropello siendo diagnosticada de […]

Coxalgia izquierda

CASO CLÍNICO 05-09 Fecha: Septiembre – 2005 Hospital: Complexo Xeral Cíes de Vigo (Pontevedra) Moderadores: Dr. Vaquero, Dr. Caeiro Coxalgia izquierda Caso aportado por Dres. Manuel Pereira Tamallo, Ermitas Varela Ares Historia Clínica Mujer de 48 años que presenta coxalgia izquierda de 8 años de evolución que recibió tratamiento conservador. En el año 2.004 acude […]

Tumoración en región glútea

CASO CLÍNICO 04-08 Fecha: Agosto – 2004 Hospital: Hospital da Costa (Lugo) Moderadores: Dr. Novillo, Dr. Caeiro, Dr. Vaquero Tumoración en región glútea Caso aportado por Dres. Colino y Montero Historia Clínica Varón de 71 años. MC: Acude al Servicio de Urgencias por presentar una tumoración a nivel de la región glutea derecha de 2 […]

Direct Anterior Approach for Total Hip Arthroplasty: Indications, Technique, and Results

Zachary D. Post The direct anterior approach (DAA) to the hip was initially described in the 19th century and has been used sporadically for total hip arthroplasty (THA). In the past decade, enthusiasm for the approach has been renewed because of increased demand for minimally invasive techniques. New surgical instruments and tables designed specifically for […]

Periprosthetic Fractures Around Loose Femoral Components

Roshan P. Shah J Am Acad Orthop Surg August 2014 vol. 22 no. 8 The development of periprosthetic fractures around loose femoral components can be a devastating event for patients who have undergone total hip arthroplasty (THA). As indications for THA expand in an aging population and to use in younger patients, these fractures are […]

Combined Acetabulum and Pelvic Ring Injuries

Jason J. Halvorson J Am Acad Orthop Surg. May 2014 vol. 22 no. 5 Abstract Combined fractures of the acetabulum and pelvic ring are more common than previously believed, with an incidence as high as 15.7%. Recent series that include combined injuries indicate that the incidence of lateral compression and anteroposterior compression pelvic ring injuries […]

Joint-preserving Surgical Options for Management of Chondral Injuries of the Hip

Youssef F. l Bitar J Am Acad Orthop Surg January 2014 vol. 22 no. 1 Abstract Management of injuries to the articular cartilage is complex and challenging; it becomes especially problematic in weight-bearing joints such as the hip. Several causes of articular cartilage damage have been described, including trauma, labral tears, and femoroacetabular impingement, among […]

Femoral Bone Loss in Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty: Evaluation and Management

Neil P. Sheth J Am Acad Orthop Surg October 2013 vol. 21 no. 10 Abstract Primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) is one of the most effective procedures for managing end-stage hip arthritis. The burden of revision THA procedures is expected to increase along with the rise in number of primary THAs. The major indications for […]

Comprehensive Approach to the Evaluation of Groin Pain

Juan C. Suarez J Am Acad Orthop SurgSeptember 2013vol. 21 no. 9 Abstract Groin pain is often related to hip pathology. As a result, groin pain is a clinical complaint encountered by orthopaedic surgeons. Approximately one in four persons will develop symptomatic hip arthritis before age 85 years. Groin injuries account for approximately 1 in […]

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