


Ejercicio y masa ósea

Estudio que analiza el efecto del ejercicio con sobrecarga mecánica durante la pubertad en la masa ósea. Para ello se seleccionaron 45 gimnastas (de 8 a 17 años) y se compararon con un grupo control d…

Uso de la RMN de alta resolución para controlar la fusión intervertebral. (Ing.)

El uso de la resonacía magnética nuclear de alta resolución para controlar la fusión intervertebral y las cajas reabsorbibles: Estudio piloto en ex vivo. Matthijs R. Krijnen, M.D.; Theo H. Smit, Ph.D.…

Methotrexate intra-articular en la sinovitis de rodilla. (Inglés)

Hasso N, Maddison PJ, Breslin A. Department of Rheumatology, Ysbyty Gwynedd, Bangor, Wales, UK. OBJECTIVE: To test whether methotrexate prolongs the effect of intra-articular corticosteroid in …

Seguridad del inhibidor selectivo COX-2 en aspirina no esteoidal.

Seguridad del inhibidor selectivo COX-2 en aspirina no esteoridal antiinflamatoria en pacientes fármaco-intolerantes: comparación de nimesulide, meloxicam y rofexocib. Bavbek S, Celik G, Ozer F, Mun…

Aproximación no quirúrgica en el manejo del dolor en la osteoartritis de rodilla

Moskowitz RW, Kelly MA, Lewallen DG, Vangsness CT Jr. Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. The effective management of pain in osteoarthritis of the knee …

La movilidad conjunta limitada puede jugar un papel en úlceras de pie diabético.

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Apr 06 - In diabetic patients with neuropathy, limited joint mobility may contribute to the development of foot ulcers, according to a report in the April issue of Diabetes C…

La povidona-iodada alcohólica es más efectiva que la acuosa. (Inglés)

Laurie Barclay, MD April 6, 2004 — Alcoholic povidone-iodine is better than aqueous in preventing central venous catheter colonization in the intensive care unit (ICU), according to the results …

El agente hemostático puede se la causa de parálisis y otros déficits neurales.

Yael Waknine April 2, 2004 — The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) issued a Public Health Notification today reminding physicians that a ser…

¿Es la densidad mineral ósea predictiva de la reducción del riesgo de fractura.

Bone mineral density (BMD) measurement is a widely available noninvasive means of identifying individuals with osteoporosis and, possibly, those at high risk for fracture. This nonsystematic review examines the relationship between BMD increase and fracture risk reduction in clinical trials evaluating osteoporosis therapy. The trials examined here are predominantly in postmenopausal women. BMD increase correlates poorly with fracture risk reduction in clinical trials of osteoporosis therapy conducted in postmenopausal women. Although BMD may increase with therapy, the increase is not measurable until later, and the overall increase is too small to account for the timing and magnitude of fracture risk reduction. BMD is only one of many contributors to bone strength and fracture risk reduction. Bone strength is derived from bone quantity, which consists of density and size, and bone quality, which, in turn, consists of structure (micro-and macroarchitecture), material properties, and turnover. Data are beginning to accrue suggesting that changes in bone turnover markers may be an accurate predictor of fracture risk reduction. Future research will elucidate the link between changes in bone turnover markers and bone architecture as a measure of osteoporosis treatment efficacy. Until then, physicians will continue to rely on fracture risk reduction data from well-designed clinical trials when judging the efficacy of different treatments for osteoporosis.

Relación entre graduación radiográfica y marcadores bioquímicos de artritis.

Relación entre la graduación radiográfica de la osteoartritis y los marcadores bioquímicos para la artritis en la osteoartritis de rodilla Masaaki Takahashi; Kenichi Naito; Masashi Abe; Tomokazu Saw…

Artroscopia sinovectomía total para sinovits pigmentada villonodular de rodilla

Kramer, Dennis E. MD; Frassica, Frank J. MD; Cosgarea, Andrew J. MD Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD Address correspondence and reprint ABSTRAC…

Tratamiento quirúrgico de la tendinosis rotular recalcitrante. (Inglés)

Kaeding, Christopher C. MD The Ohio State University Department of Orthopaedics Columbus, OH ABSTRACT Patella tendinosis typically occurs at the inferior pole of the patella at the bone-tendon …

La técnica de Rebar para la revisión del componente rotular dañado. (Inglés)

Fisher, David A. MD Orthopaedics Indianapolis, Inc. Indianapolis, IN ABSTRACT Revision of a failed patellar implant can be a challenging surgical procedure. The majority of revision total k…

Reparación exterior de menisco. (Inglés)

Wolf, Brian R. MD; Cohen, David B. MD; Rodeo, Scott A. MD Hospital for Special Surgery New York, NY ABSTRACT The majority of meniscal tears that are amenable to repair can be addressed using th…

Osteogénesis imperfecta. (Inglés)

A CEU Offering Kathryn R. McLean, RNC, MSN Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a rare congenital disorder of collagen production that results in brittle bones and affects other body systems containi…

Mecanismos del fracaso de rodilla después de artroplastia total de rodilla.

Austin, Matthew S. MD; Sharkey, Peter F. MD; Hozack, William J. MD; Rothman, Richard H. MD, PhD Thomas Jefferson University Hospital Philadelphia, PA ABSTRACT Total knee arthroplasty is a h…

La actividad locomotriz en personas con médula espinal lesionada. (Inglés)

V. Dietz1 and Susan J. Harkema2 1Spinal Cord Injury Center, University Hospital Balgrist, 8008 Zurich, Switzerland; and 2Department of Neurology and Brain Research Institute, University of Californi…

Movilidad disminuida del hueso y el deterioro de la estructura ósea. (Inglés)

Movilidad disminuida del hueso y el deterioro de la estructura ósea en dos casos de picnodysostosis. Nadja Fratzl-Zelman, Angelika Valenta, Paul Roschger, Alexander Nader, Bruce D. Gelb, Peter Fratz…

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