Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture

NULL Christopher P. Chiodo, MD, Mark Glazebrook, MD, Eric Michael Bluman, MD, PhD, Bruce E. Cohen, MD, John E. Femino, MD, Eric Giza, MD, William C. Watters, III, MD, Michael J. Goldberg, MD, Michael Keith, MD, Robert H. Haralson, III, MD, MBA, Charles M. Turkelson, PhD, Janet L. Wies, MPH, Laura Raymond, MA, Sara Anderson, […]

Distal Triceps Rupture

J Am Acad Orthop Surg, Vol 18, No 1, January 2010 Peter C. Yeh, MD, Seth D. Dodds, MD, L. Ryan Smart, MD, Augustus D. Mazzocca, MS, MD and Paul M. Sethi, MD Distal triceps rupture is an uncommon injury. It is most often associated with anabolic steroid use, weight lifting, and laceration. Other local […]

Exercise and Pregnancy

CAPT Marlene DeMaio, MD, MC, USN and CAPT Everett F. Magann, MD, MC, USN J Am Acad Orthop Surg, Vol 17, No 8, August 2009 Exercise is an important component of a healthy lifestyle and, as such, is recommended during pregnancy. However, the response to exercise of both the expectant mother and fetus varies depending […]

Surgical Treatment of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Tears: An Evolving Technique

Matthew J. Matava, MD, Evan Ellis, MD and Brian Gruber, MD J Am Acad Orthop Surg, Vol 17, No 7, July 2009, Major advances have been made recently in the areas of posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) anatomy and biomechanics, and several basic science studies have attempted to clarify the variables relevant to the optimal methods […]

Ecografía y MRI del esfuerzo del músculo recto abdominal en tenista de élite.(I)

David Connell1, Kaline Ali1, Malika Javid1, Phil Bell2, Mark Batt3 and Simon Kemp4 1 Department of Radiology, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Brockley Hill, Stanmore, London HA7 4LP, United Kingdom. 2 BUPA Wellness, Barbican, United Kingdom. 3 Centre for Sports Medicine, Queens Medical Center, Nottingham, United Kingdom. 4 Football Union Rugby House, Twickenham, United Kingdom. OBJECTIVE. […]

Reparación del cartílago articular en atletas adolescente…(I)

«Reparación del cartílago articular en atletas adolescente: Autoimplantatación de condrocito como solución.» Micheli, Lyle MD *+; Curtis, Christine BS *; Shervin, Nina MD ++ Abstract: Objective: To determine the evidence base for recommendations regarding autologous chondryocyte implantation in adolescent athletes. Materials and Methods: All literature on articular cartilage repair from MEDLINE search dated 1990 to […]

Problemas médicos en corredores de matarón. (I)

Leon D. Sanchez MD, MPHa, , , Brian Corwell MDb and David Berkoff MDc aDepartment of Emergency Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA 02215, USA bDepartment of Emergency Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA 02215, USA cDepartment of Emergency Medicine, Coordinator Physiologic Testing, Mike Krzyzewski Human Performance Lab/Duke University, Duke University, […]

Efectos del entrenamiento pliométrico y electromioestimulación en saltadores…

«Efectos del entrenamiento pliométrico y electromioestimulación en saltadores y corredores de velocidad.» J. A. Herrero1, M. Izquierdo2, N. A. Maffiuletti3, J. García-López4 1 Faculty of Health Sciences, European University Miguel de Cervantes, Valladolid, Spain 2 Studies, Research and Sports Medicine Center, Government of Navarra, Spain 3 Faculté des Sciences du Sport de Dijon, Université de […]

Características de salto-caída y desarrollo de fuerza muscular en atletas…

«Características de salto-caída y desarrollo de fuerza muscular en atletas jóvenes.Comparación según sexo de 1140 atletas de 9 a 17 años» Sue D. Barber-Westin*, Frank R. Noyes, MD and Marc Galloway, MD From the Cincinnati Sportsmedicine Research and Education Foundation, Cincinnati, Ohio Background: Many authors have speculated that altered neuromuscular control and strength of the […]

Tratamiento artroscópico de la afectación del codo posterolateral…(Inglés)

«Tratamiento artroscópico de la afectación del codo posterolateral para los pliegues sinoviales laterales en atletas lanzadores y golfistas.» David H. Kim, MD*,, Ralph A. Gambardella, MD, Neal S. ElAttrache, MD, Lewis A. Yocum, MD and Frank W. Jobe, MD From Huntington Beach Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, Huntington Beach, California, and the Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic, Los […]

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