Tennis Injuries: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Treatment

Joshua S. Dines J Am Acad Orthop Surg. March 2015. vol. 23 no. 3 Tennis places high loads on the joints of players, with supraphysiologic forces being generated at the shoulder and elbow hundreds of times per match. Acute injuries tend to affect the lower extremity; chronic injuries usually involve the upper extremity. Commonly encountered […]

Three-dimensional Intraoperative Imaging Modalities in Orthopaedic Surgery: A Narrative Review

Sheeraz Qureshi J Am Acad Orthop Surg. December 2014; 22 (12) Abstract Intraoperative imaging and navigation systems have revolutionized orthopaedic surgery for the spine, joints, and orthopaedic trauma. Imaging modalities such as the isocentric C-arm, O-arm imaging, and intraoperative MRI or navigation systems allow the visualization of surgical instruments and implants relative to a three-dimensional […]

Identification of Common Gait Disruption Patterns in Children With Cerebral Palsy

Jon R. Davids J Am Acad Orthop Surg. December 2014; 22 (12) Abstract Identification and classification of common gait deviation patterns in children with cerebral palsy facilitates communication between healthcare providers, provides insight into the natural history of functional ambulation, guides clinical decision making, and clarifies outcomes assessment. Previous classification schemes have been based on […]

The Effects of Fitness on the Aging Process

Bryan G. Vopat J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2014 vol. 22 no. 9 Decades of research support the fact that much age-related deterioration is the result of the effects of sedentary lifestyles and the development of medical conditions rather than of aging itself. Elite older athletes, who demonstrate enhanced performance compared with historic cohorts and […]

Synthetic Playing Surfaces and Athlete Health

Mark C. Drakos, MD, Abstract Synthetic playing surfaces have evolved considerably since their introduction in the 1960s. Today, third-generation turf is routinely installed in professional, collegiate, and community settings. Proponents of artificial surfaces tout their versatility and durability in a variety of climates. However, the health and injury ramifications have yet to be clearly defined. […]

Venous Thrombosis in Athletes

Gregory Grabowski J Am Acad Orthop Surg February 2013 ; 21 Abstract Because deep vein thrombosis (DVT) can occur following orthopaedic procedures, knowledge of hereditary and acquired risk factors for DVT is essential. Hereditary forms of thrombophilia include factor V Leiden and prothrombin G20210A mutations, and deficiencies of antithrombin III, protein C, and protein S. […]

Heat- and Cold-induced Injuries in Athletes: Evaluation and Management

Benjamin Noonan J Am Acad Orthop Surg December 2012 ; 20 Abstract Both extreme heat and cold can be challenging for athletes during training and competition. One role of the team physician is to educate coaches and athletes on the risks of exposure to these conditions and how to best prevent and manage their adverse […]

Iliotibial Band Syndrome: Evaluation and Management

Eric J. Strauss JAAOS December 2011;19 (12) Abstract Iliotibial band syndrome is a common overuse injury typically seen in runners, cyclists, and military recruits. Affected patients report lateral knee pain associated with repetitive motion activities. The diagnosis is usually made based on a characteristic history and physical examination, with imaging studies reserved for cases of […]

Orthopaedic Aspects of All-terrain Vehicle–related Injury

Jeffrey R. Sawyer, MD, Derek M. Kelly, MD, Ethan Kellum, MD and William C. Warner, Jr, MD J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2011 19 Despite an abundance of evidence on the morbidity and mortality associated with all-terrain vehicle (ATV) accidents, use of ATVs continues to increase, with corresponding increases in the frequency of associated injury […]

Management of Common Sports-related Injuries About the Foot and Ankle

J Am Acad Orthop Surg, Vol 18, No 9, September 2010 Robert B. Anderson, MD, Kenneth J. Hunt, MD and Jeremy J. McCormick, MD Foot and ankle injuries are commonplace in competitive sports. Improvements in injury surveillance programs and injury reporting have enabled physicians to better recognize and manage specific foot and ankle injuries, with […]

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