Tratamiento de Pseudoartrosis de Pilon Tibial con Asistencia Artroscópica

CASO CLÍNICO 06-08 Fecha: Agosto – 2006 Hospital: Hospital Santa Teresa (A Coruña) Moderadores: Dr. Vaquero, Dr. Caeiro Tratamiento de Pseudoartrosis de Pilon Tibial con Asistencia Artroscópica Caso aportado por Dr. Rafael Arriaza Loureda, Dr. Gonzalo Couceiro, Dr. Jesús Aizpurua, Dr. Carlos Baamonde, Dr. Alejandro Prego, Dr. Ricardo A. Burgos G. y Dr. Joaquín Heras […]

Fractura de Astrágalo Tipo III

CASO CLÍNICO 06-03 Fecha: Marzo – 2006 Hospital: Hospital Xeral de Lugo y Universidad de Santiago de Compostela Moderadores: Dr. Vaquero, Dr. Caeiro Fractura de Astrágalo Tipo III Caso aportado por Dres. José Ramón Fernández Barriales y Marcos Fernández López Historia Clínica Paciente de 29 años que con fecha 15.05.2003 al volante de un vehículo […]

Os Trigonum Syndrome

Marie-Lyne Nault J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2014 vol. 22 no. 9 Os trigonum syndrome is the result of an overuse injury of the posterior ankle caused by repetitive plantar flexion stress. It is predominantly seen in ballet dancers and soccer players and is primarily a clinical diagnosis of exacerbated posterior ankle pain while dancing […]

Subtle Cavus Foot: Diagnosis and Management

Sophia E. Deben J Am Acad Orthop Surg August 2014 vol. 22 no. 8 The subtle cavovarus foot (SCF) is a mild malalignment caused by either primary hindfoot varus or a plantarflexed first ray, resulting in a typical constellation of symptoms because of altered foot mechanics. Key clinical signs are a peek-a-boo heel and a […]

Anterior Ankle Impingement: Diagnosis and Treatment

Paul G. Talusan J Am Acad Orthop Surg. May 2014 vol. 22 no. 5 Anterior ankle impingement is a common clinical condition characterized by chronic anterior ankle pain that is exacerbated on dorsiflexion. Additional symptoms include instability; limited ankle motion; and pain with squatting, sprinting, stair climbing, and hill climbing. Diagnosis is typically confirmed with […]

Extended Indications for Foot and Ankle Arthroscopy

Andrew R. Hsu, J Am Acad Orthop Surg January 2014 vol. 22 no. 1 Abstract Advances in foot and ankle arthroscopy have allowed surgeons to diagnose and treat a broadening array of disorders that were previously limited to open procedures. Arthroscopy of the posterior ankle, subtalar joint, and first metatarsophalangeal joint and tendoscopy can be […]

The Adult Paralytic Foot

Sean A. Matuszak, MD, Abstract The adult paralytic foot is a common clinical entity. It has numerous neurologic, systemic, and traumatic causes that result in muscle imbalance and foot deformity. A thorough physical examination and diagnostic work-up, as well as an understanding of the relevant functional anatomy, are essential to proper management. Treatment goals include […]

Posterior Malleolus Fracture

Todd A. Irwin, Abstract Posterior malleolus fractures are a common component of ankle fractures. The morphology is variable; these fractures range from small posterolateral avulsion injuries to large displaced fracture fragments. The integrity of the posterior malleolus and its ligamentous attachment is important for tibiotalar load transfer, posterior talar stability, and rotatory ankle stability. Fixation […]

Foot and Ankle Infections: Diagnosis and Management

J Am Acad Orthop Surg November 2012 ; 20 Oke A. Anakwenze Abstract Infections of the foot are a common source of morbidity, disability, and potential limb loss. A large proportion of lower extremity infections occurs in the setting of diabetic neuropathy, with or without circulatory compromise, and are potentially preventable with regular surveillance. Adequate […]

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