Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip

Journal of Pediatric Health Care Volume 22, Number 5, 2008 Polina Gelfer, MD, FAAP; Kathleen A. Kennedy, MD, MPH Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is a spectrum of anatomical abnormalities of the hip joint in which the femoral head has an abnormal relationship to the acetabulum. The true incidence of DDH can only be […]

Transphyseal reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament in prepubescent children

J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2008 Oct;90(10):1317-22. Liddle AD, Imbuldeniya AM, Hunt DM. We present the results of 17 children of Tanner stage 1 or 2 who underwent reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament between 1999 and 2006 using a transphyseal procedure, employing an ipsilateral four-strand hamstring graft. The mean age of the children was […]

Large Osteochondral Fractures of the Lateral Femoral Condyle in the Adolescent: Outcome of Bioabsorbable Pin Fixation

NULL The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (American). 2008;90:1473-1478. Stewart J. Walsh, MD1, Matthew J. Boyle, MD1 and Vicki Morganti, MD2 Background: Large osteochondral fractures of the lateral femoral condyle of the knee in adolescent patients can be diagnostically and therapeutically challenging. Historically, management has involved removal of the fragment, leaving a large area […]

Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Diagnosis and Treatment

NULL J Am Acad Orthop Surg, Vol 16, No 6, June 2008 Gheorghe Burnei, MD, PhD, Costel Vlad, MD, Ileana Georgescu, MD, Traian Stefan Gavriliu, MD and Daniela Dan, MD Osteogenesis imperfecta is a heritable disorder characterized by extremely fragile bones, blue sclerae, dentinogenesis imperfecta, hearing loss, and scoliosis. In 1979, Sillence classified the condition […]

Perthes’ or Perthes’ resembling disease in 13-month-old boy

NULL J Pediatr Orthop B. 2008 May;17(3):120-4. Maus U, Andereya S, Ihme N, Gravius S, Niedhart C, Ohnsorge JA, Niethard FU. Onset of Perthes’ disease is reported frequently from the age of 2 years. Latest publications showed cases with onset of this disease in infancy at ages of 17 and 18 months. We report the […]

Fijación del clavo intramedular para fracturas inestables de antebrazo en niños.

Murat Altay, a, , Cem Nuri Aktekina, Bülent Ozkurta, Barış Birincia, Akif Muhtar Ozturka and A. Yalçın Tabaka aNumune Education and Research Hospital, Department of 5th Orthopaedics Clinic, Ankara, Turkey Summary Displaced fractures of the diaphyseal forearm in children are often treated conservatively, but there is relatively high incidence of redisplacement, malunion and consequent limitation […]

Análisis prospectivo de contusiones sencillas de hueso en rodilla pediátrica.(I)

«Análisis prospectivo de las contusiones sencillas de hueso en la rodilla pediátrica.» Richard L. Coursey Jr1, Elizabeth A. Jones1 , Gregory Chaljub1, Paul D. Bertolino1, Oscar Cano1 and Leonard E. Swischuk1 (1) Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Medical Branch, 301 University Boulevard, Galveston, TX 77555, USA Abstract To determine the incidence of uncomplicated […]

Cambios longitudinales en la salud del hueso valorado por velocidad del sonido..

«Cambios longitudinales en la salud del hueso valorado por velocidad del sonido en niños de muy bajo peso al nacimiento.» C. Tomlinson MBChB, MRCPCH⁎, H. McDevitt MBChB, MRCPCH⁎, S.F. Ahmed MD, FRCPCH and M.P. White MBChB, FRCP, FRCPCH, From the Neonatal Unit, Princess Royal Maternity Hospital, Glasgow; the Paediatric Department, Queen Mother’s Hospital, Yorkhill, Glasgow; […]

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