Artroplatia total de cadera en luxación de cadera de desarrollo alto. (Inglés)

Young-Hoo Kim MD and Jun-Shik Kim MD The Joint Replacement Center of Korea, Ewha Womans University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea Abstract This study evaluated the hypothesis that the clinical results are equivalent in the group of patients with dysplasia, low dislocation, and high dislocation types using a contemporary technique for hip arthroplasty. […]

Artroplastia total de cadera en pacientes adultos que desarrollaron displasia…

«Artroplastia total de cadera en pacientes adultos que desarrollaron displasia de cadera.» Young-Hoo Kim MD and Jun-Shik Kim MD The Joint Replacement Center of Korea, Ewha Womans University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea Abstract This study evaluated the hypothesis that the clinical results are equivalent in the group of patients with dysplasia, low […]

Tratamiento intraarticular de osteartritis de cadera…(Inglés)

«Tratamiento intraarticular de osteartritis de cadera: un ensayo aleatorizado del ácido hialurónico, el corticosteroide y salino isotónico.» E. Qvistgaard M.D., R. Christensen M.Sc., S. Torp-Pedersen M.D. and H. Bliddal Ph.D., M.D., The Parker Institute, Frederiksberg Hospital, Nordre Fasanvej 57, DK-2000 Copenhagen F, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark Summary Objective Hyaluronic acid (HA) and corticosteroids are both widely […]

Artroplastia total de cadera en la evolución aguda de la luxación de cadera.(In)

Bülent Erdemli MD⁎, , Cengiz Yilmaz MD†, Hakan Atalar MD‡, Bahattin Güzel MD⁎ and Ilker Cetin MD⁎ ⁎Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Ankara University Medical School, Ankara, Turkey †Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Mersin University Medical School, Mersin, Turkey ‡Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Fatih University Medical School, Ankara, Turkey Abstract In total hip arthroplasty […]

Ensayo clínico aleatorizado de dos lesiones diferentes por materiales…(Inglés)

«Ensayo clínico aleatorizado de dos lesiones diferentes por materiales de revestimiento en pacientes con reemplazamientos de cadera.» Sirpa Harle RNa, , , Anu Korhonen RNa, Jyrki A. Kettunen PT, PhDb and Seppo Seitsalo MD, PhDa aORTON Orthopaedic Hospital, Invalid Foundation, Tenholantie 10, FIN-00280, Helsinki, Finland bORTON Research Institute, Helsinki, Finland Editor’s comment This fundamental but […]

Lesiones labrales de cadera: Revisión, diagnósis y manejo. (Inglés)

Matt Schmerl MChiroa, Henry Pollard Grad DC, MSportSc, PhDb, , and Wayne Hoskins MChiroc aResearch Associate, Macquiare Injury Management Group, Department Health and Chiropractic, Macquarie University, Australia bSenior Lecturer, Macquarie Injury Management Group, Department Health and Chiropractic, Macquarie University, Australia cPhD Candidate, Macquarie Injury Management Group, Department Health and Chiropractic, Macquarie University, Australia Objective To […]

Luxación quirúrgica segura de la cadera. (Inglés)

Young-Jo Kim MD, PhD, and Michael B. Millis MD Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Children’s Hospital Boston, Boston, MA. Traditionally, surgical dislocation of the native hip has been discouraged because of the possible risk to the femoral head blood supply. Reinhold Ganz has clarified the proximal femoral vascular anatomy and has used this knowledge to develop […]

Luxación de cadera en la parálisis cerebral. (Inglés)

McClure, Shannon Abstract: Purpose of the review: Hip dislocation and subluxation in the patient with cerebral palsy remain challenging problems to address. Difficulties arise in predicting which hips will dislocate, which dislocated hips will be problematic, and how to prevent and treat displaced hips. This article reviews the literature published in the English language over […]

Rehabilitación después de la artroscopia de cadera. (Inglés)

Steve Stalzer MSPT, , Michael Wahoff PT, Molly Scanlan MSPT, OCS and Pete Draovitch PT Howard Head Sports Medicine Center, Vail, CO. Management of hip injuries has evolved significantly in recent years with the advancement of arthroscopic techniques. These recent surgical advances require establishment of rehabilitation protocols that follow several basic principles including: (1) consideration […]

Artroscopia de cadera y evaluación de resultados. (Inglés)

RobRoy L. Martin PhD, PT, CSCS, Department of Physical Therapy, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA. The purpose of this article is to outline the role of a self-reported evaluative instrument and classification system in hip arthroscopy outcome assessment. Current instruments related to musculoskeletal hip pathology are reviewed. Evidence to support the Hip Outcome Score (HOS) as […]

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