
Uso del SPECT óseo en la evaluación de la displasia fibrosa de cráneo. (Inglés)

Nakahara, Tadaki MD; Fujii, Hirofumi MD; Hashimoto, Jun MD; Kubo, Atsushi MD


The authors present a case of fibrous dysplasia (FD) of the skull in which bone SPECT was useful in addition to CT. CT showed the skull base lesions on the right side with the characteristic signs of FD, such as a ground-glass appearance. Extension of the skull base lesions on bone SPECT was consistent with that seen on CT. The calvarial lesion, which was not seen on CT, even on retrospective examination, was also clearly detected in bone SPECT. It was identified as a bone marrow irregularity with a slight deformity in the surrounding bone on MRI.

Clinical Nuclear Medicine. 29(9):554-559, September 2004.

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