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Sutura en ancla para el tratamiento de la intestabilidad esternoclavicular. (I)

"Sutura en ancla para el tratamiento de la intestabilidad de la articulación esternoclavicular."

Z. Abiddin, C. Sinopidis, C.J. Grocock, Q. Yin and S.P. Frostick Department of Musculoskeletal Science, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool, United Kingdom. Available online 11 May 2006. Instability of the sternoclavicular joint is a difficult problem to treat and can present with gross limitation in activities. Eight sternoclavicular joint stabilization procedures were performed over an 8-year period. The patients’ ages ranged from 16 to 48 years (mean, 23.5 years). The indication for stabilization was pain associated with instability of the sternoclavicular joint. The joint was stabilized by use of suture anchors on the manubrium and capsular plication. The functional outcome was evaluated by use of the Constant score and patient-based Oxford Shoulder Questionnaire. At a mean follow-up of 4.5 years (range, 1-7.6 years), none of the patients had instability at the sternoclavicular joint, and all except one had returned to their previous employment. The Oxford score was 16 (range, 12-38). The mean Constant score was 74.88 (range, 33-87). We had only 1 poor result (Constant score of 33). Stabilization of the sternoclavicular joint can safely be performed by use of suture anchors. The technique is recommended for symptomatic sternoclavicular joint instability.

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. Volume 15, Issue 3 , May-June 2006, Pages 315-318

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