
Resultado de epicondilectomía medial parcial para el síndrome de túnel cubital.

Efstathopoulos, Dimitrios G MD, DSc *; Themistocleous, George S MD, DSc *+; Papagelopoulos, Panayiotis J MD, DSc +; Chloros, George D MD +; Gerostathopoulos, Nikolaos E MD, DSc *; Soucacos, Panayotis N MD, FACS +


Partial medial epicondylectomy aims to eliminate potential drawbacks of total epicondylectomy for treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome. In this series, we retrospectively evaluated 80 patients (80 elbows) who had partial medial epicondylectomies for established cubital tunnel syndrome. Our main purpose was to compare clinical outcomes among partial, minimal, and total epicondylectomies. Specific attention was given to the functional outcome in severely impaired patients, and potential postoperative complications of total epicondylectomy, such as elbow instability, and medial elbow pain. Preoperatively, 16 patients were classified as having McGowan Grade I lesions, 40 had Grade II lesions, and 24 had Grade III lesions. The mean followup was 32 months (range, 26 months-4.2 years). There was improvement of at least one McGowan grade in 86.2% of the patients, with a 66.7% improvement in severely impaired patients (McGowan Grade III lesions). There was no ulnar nerve palsy, no ulnar nerve subluxation, or medial elbow instability. However, 45% of patients reported mild pain at the 6-month followup. Partial medial epicondylectomy seems to be safe and reliable for treatment of cubital compression neuropathy at the elbow.

Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research. 444:134-139, March 2006.

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