
Perfil reproductivo de hombres físicamente activos después del ejercicio…(E)

"Perfil reproductivo de hombres físicamente activos después del ejercicio exhaustivo de la resistencia.

D. Vaamonde1,2, M. E. Da Silva1, M. S. Poblador1, J. L. Lancho1

1 Morphofunctional Sciences in Sports Lab. School of Medicine, Universidad de Córdoba, Spain 2 Centro de Embriología y Reproducción Asistida, Córdoba, Spain


The purpose of this study on non-professional (recreational) athletes was two-fold: 1) to determine if endurance exercise (EE) routinely used by professional athletes would produce reproductive changes in the general population, and 2) to assess reversion. Short-term exhaustive endurance exercise (EEE) can produce alterations in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis with subsequent fertility changes. Sixteen healthy adult male volunteers were divided into experimental (8) and control (8) groups for the exercise period. A cycloergometer provided EEE for a period of 2 weeks. The experimental group exercised four times a week; controls were without EEE. The hormonal and seminological profiles of all subjects were evaluated. Two weeks of EEE produced hormonal and seminological values in the experimental group that were statistically different from their own pre-treatment values (FSH: 3.33 ± 1.7; LH: 3.73 ± 1.36; sperm concentration/ml: 42.50 ± 29.46; type a velocity: 25.23 ± 10.9; type d velocity: 46.18 ± 15.81; % of normal forms: 10.42 ± 1.97) as well as from the pre- and post-treatment control group values. The measured parameters almost returned to pre-treatment levels in the experimental group 2 - 3 days after EEE ended. From this study we concluded that when subjected to EEE, individuals drawn from a recreational exercising life style experienced changes similar to those observed in studies done with athletes, and short-term EEE induced a reversible alteration to the HPG axis.

Int J Sports Med 2006; 27: 680-689.

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