
Liberación artroscópica de la capsulitis adhesiva. (Inglés)

Berghs BM, Sole-Molins X, Bunker TD.

Twenty-five patients with primary adhesive capsulitis underwent an arthroscopic release of the capsule of the shoulder joint. They were reviewed after a mean of 14.8 months (range, 3-40 months). Night pain and awakening were a feature in all 25 patients preoperatively but were only found in 3 postoperatively. There was marked improvement in pain from a preoperative visual analog scale score of 3.1 to a postoperative visual analog scale score of 12.6 on a scale of 15. Passive movement of the joint improved significantly, with mean passive elevation changing from 73.7 degrees preoperatively to 163 degrees postoperatively, mean passive external rotation changing from 10.6 degrees preoperatively to 46.8 degrees postoperatively, and passive internal rotation improving by a mean of 9 levels. The mean preoperative Constant score of 25.3 improved to 75.5 postoperatively, and the Constant score adjusted for age and gender averaged 91%. All patients completed the Short Form-36 questionnaire at their review, revealing a norm-based physical summary score of 48.7, falling within 1 SD of a normal population sample. This arthroscopic surgical technique is derived from the open surgical release. It is founded upon an understanding of the pathology of this condition. It appears to yield rapid relief of pain and dramatic improvement in movement and function in this painful and otherwise protracted condition.

J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2004 Mar-Apr;13(2):180-5.

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