Cadera y pelvis

Fracturas de la cara posteiror del acetábulo tratadas únicamente con tornillos.

Im, Gun-Il MD; Shin, Yong-Woon MD; Song, Young-Joon MD


Background: The use of a buttress plate in addition to lag screws has been recommended for fractures to the posterior wall of the acetabulum. However, there is a lack of possible criteria for the use of screws alone. This study aimed to evaluate the use of screws alone for fixation of posterior wall fractures to the acetabulum.

Methods: This study retrospectively examined 15 patients with a single fragmented or moderately comminuted posterior wall fracture of the acetabulum who had been treated with internal fixation using screws alone. The modified D'Aubigne and Postel's score system was used for the functional evaluation.

Results: The clinical results were excellent for nine hips, very good for one hip, good for four hips, and poor for one hip after follow-up period of more than 2 years.

Conclusion: The use of screws alone can produce acceptable results for selected posterior wall fractures of the acetabulum.

Journal of Trauma-Injury Infection & Critical Care. 58(2):300-303, February 2005.

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