Hombro y codo

Fractura-luxación del codo: diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico.(Inglés)

Saati AZ, McKee MD.

Division of Orthopaedics, Department of Surgery, St. Michael's Hospital, University of Toronto, Suite 800, 55 Queen Street East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

There are two main goals for the surgeon treating injuries around the elbow joint: the maintenance of a stable, concentric reduction of the joint and the initiation of early motion to help prevent stiffness and maximize functional out-come. The presence of a fracture decreases joint stability and increases the risk for early subluxation or dislocation with motion. Operative repair thus is indicated for most of these injuries to restore sufficient osseoligamentous support to allow safe, early motion and provide a stable functional elbow in the long term.

Hand Clin. 2004 Nov;20(4):405-14.

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