
Fibromatosis hialina juvenil: un informe del caso.(Inglés)

Naci Karaçal1*, Nevzat Gülçelik1, Kadriye Yildiz2, Sevdegül Mungan2 and Necmettin Kutlu1

Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis ( JHF ) is a rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by papulonodular skin lesions, gingival hyperplasia, joint contractures, and bone lesions. The skin lesions may consist of multiple large tumors, commonly on the scalp and around the neck, and small pearly, pink papules and plaques on the trunk, chin, ears, and around the nostrils. Here, we report a 2-year-old boy with characteristic stiffness of the knees and elbows and pink confluent papules on the paranasal folds, and periauricular and perianal regions. He also had hard nodules all over the scalp and around the mouth, and severe gingival hyperplasia. The lesions were totally excised and clinicopathological diagnosis was JHF.

Journal of Cutaneous Pathology Volume 32 Issue 6 Page 438 - July 2005.

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