Tobillo y pie

Antibióticos intravenosos profilácticos en cirugía de pié y tobillo. (Inglés)

Eficacia de antibióticos intravenosos profilácticos en la cirugía optativa de pie y tobillo.

Thomas Zgonis, DPM, MT (ASCP)1 * [MEDLINE LOOKUP]
Gary Peter Jolly, DPM2 [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Juan C. Garbalosa, PhD, PT3 [MEDLINE LOOKUP]


A retrospective chart review of 555 patients who received elective foot and ankle surgeries between 1995 and 2001 at 1 outpatient podiatric hospital clinic was performed to evaluate the efficacy of preoperative intravenous antibiotic use. Only those patients who were having elective foot or ankle surgery for the first time, were being followed up at the hospital’s outpatient clinic, and had a nontraumatic cause for their surgery were included in this study. A wound was considered infected when purulent material from the wound sites was noted and an organism(s) was cultured. A wound complication was defined as a superficial dehiscence, edema, erythema, or stitch abscess. Three hundred six (55.1%) patients received a preoperative antibiotic and 249 (44.9%) patients did not. Of the 306 patients who received a preoperative antibiotic, 9 (1.6%) acquired a postoperative wound infection, whereas 8 (1.4%) of the 249 patients who did not receive preoperative antibiotics acquired a postoperative infection. A logistic regression model and chi square tests of association were used to determine if preoperative antibiotic use, age, gender, type of surgical procedure, operative time, tourniquet use, past medical history, and internal fixation were predictive of or associated with postoperative wound infection or complication. None of the study factors was predictive of postoperative wound infection or complication (P > .01). Preoperative antibiotic use was associated with surgical category and internal fixation use (P .01). The results suggest that prophylactic intravenous antibiotic use in routine elective foot and ankle surgery is not warranted.

The Jorunal of Foot & Ankle Surgery. March 2004. Volume 43. Number 2.

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