Fracturas intra-articulares desplazadas de calcáneo. (Inglés)

Richard E. Buckley, MD, FRCSC, and Suzanne Tough, PhD Deciding how to manage displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures is challenging. Preoperative assessment of the fracture, patient status, and the patient’s functional needs are important in determining treatment approach. In general, older, sedentary patients and those with no or with minimally displaced fractures may be treated successfully […]

Síndrome del túnel de Tarsal causado por el ganglio epineural del nervio tibial

Síndrome del túnel de Tarsal causado por el ganglio epineural del nervio tibial posterior: Informe de dos casos y revisión de la literatura. Ikuo Fujita, MD1* [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Keiji Matsumoto, MD2 [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Takato Minami, MD3 [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Tomohiko Kizaki, MD4 [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Toshihiro Akisue, MD5 [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Tetsuji Yamamoto, MD6 [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Abstract Ganglia […]

Nueva actividad para la evaluación de la inestabilidad del tobillo. (Inglés)

Desarrollo del resultado de la nueva actividad para la evaluación de la inestabilidad del tobillo. Tamás Halasi, MD*, Ákos Kynsburg, MD, András Tállay, MD and István Berkes, MD, PhD From the Department of Sports Surgery, National Institute for Sports Medicine, Budapest, Hungary Background: Tegner and Lysholm described their generally acknowledged activity score in 1985. It […]

Agilidad de la atroplastia total de tobillo.

Agilidad de la artroplastia total de tobillo. Seguimiento de siete a dieciséis años. Stephen I. Knecht, MD1, Miriam Estin1, John J. Callaghan, MD1, Miriam B. Zimmerman, PhD1, Kyle J. Alliman, BS1, Frank G. Alvine, MD2 and Charles L. Saltzman, MD1 1 Departments of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation (S.I.K., M.E., J.J.C., K.J.A., and C.L.S.) and Public Health […]

Rotura traumática de ambos tendones, largo y corto, peroneales. (Inglés)

Pelet S, Saglini M, Garofalo R, Wettstein M, Mouhsine E. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland. Injuries of peroneal tendons are rare. Diagnosis of traumatic rupture is often late and presents as chronic ankle instability. A case of a complete traumatic rupture of both peroneal longus and brevis tendons with […]

Fracturas graves, mediales y laterales, de sesamoides del dedo gordo del piés.

Fracturas graves, mediales y lateriales, de sesamoides en el dedo gordo del pié en un atleta. Mouhsine E, Leyvraz PF, Borens O, Ribordy M, Arlettaz Y, Garofalo R. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, 1011, Lausanne, Switzerland. We report a case of acute fracture of both sesamoids of the great toe […]

Síndrome de Os trigonum, de sobrecarga post-traumática aguda. (Inglés)

Síndrome de Os Trigonum. Una causa posible de inciencia en el tobillo. Mouhsine E, Crevoisier X, Leyvraz PF, Akiki A, Dutoit M, Garofalo R. Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland, The purpose of this paper is to discuss the post-traumatic overload syndrome of the os trigonum as a […]

Sustitución total de tobillo. (Inglés)

Y Lodhi, J McKenna, M Herron, MM Stephens Abstract 29 patients underwent 30 Scandinavian Total Ankle Replacements (STAR) by a single surgeon, over a four year period (1997 to 2001). There were 12 primary osteo arthritic patients with 6 post traumatic. The mean age of these 18 patients was 73. Eleven patients had rheumatoid arthritis […]

Tratamiento de lesiones osteocondrales del talón. (Inglés)

El tratamiento de lesiones osteocondrales del talón con la auto implantación de condrocitos. Techniques in Foot & Ankle Surgery. 3(1):45-52, March 2004. Bazaz, Rajesh MD; Ferkel, Richard D MD Abstract: Osteochondral lesions of the talus are a known cause of chronic ankle pain. Cartilage lacks an intrinsic healing mechanism; therefore, patients with this pathology often […]

Condrosarcoma de falange proximal del segundo dedo: Informe de un caso. (In.)

Tomoko Masuda, MD1 1 [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Takanobu Otuka, MD, PhD1 * 2 [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Masato Yonezawa, MD, PhD1 3 [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Fumiaki Kamiyama, MD, PhD1 4 [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Yosihiro Shibata, MD, PhD1 5 [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Toyohiro Tada, MD, PhD1 6 [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Nobuo Matsui, MD, PhD1 7 [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Abstract Although chondrosarcoma is a relatively […]

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