Traumatismo sobre muñeca derecha

CASO CLÍNICO 05-01 Fecha: Enero – 2005 Hospital: Hospital Comarcal Virxen da Xunqueira de Cee (A Coruña) Moderadores: Dr. Novillo, Dr. Vaquero, Dr. Caeiro Traumatismo sobre muñeca derecha Caso aportado por Dres. Camilo Álvarez y José Manuel Quinteiro Historia Clínica Mujer de 56 años con antecedentes de traumatismo no tratado en muñeca derecha de varios […]

Fractura en el dedo de una mano

CASO CLÍNICO 04-12 Fecha: Diciembre – 2004 Hospital: Clínica Fraternidad (A Coruña) Moderadores: Dr. Novillo, Dr. Vaquero, Dr. Caeiro Fractura en el dedo de una mano Caso aportado por Dr. Celester Historia Clínica Paciente varón, de 16 años, que acude al Servicio de Urgencias por dolor e impotencia funcional en el 3º dedo de la […]

Replantation of the Upper Extremity: Current Concepts

Valerie M. Wolfe, MD J Am Acad Orthop Surg June 2015 ; 23 Replantation is the process of reattaching amputated parts. Relative indications for replantation in the upper extremity include amputation of the thumb or multiple digits as well as amputations proximal to zone II and pediatric finger amputations at any level. Preoperatively, the part […]

Update on Zone II Flexor Tendon Injuries

Christopher J. Dy J Am Acad Orthop Surg. December 2014; 22 (12) Abstract Flexor tendon repair in zone II is particularly challenging because tendon gliding must be restored within a tight fibro-osseous sheath while minimizing the formation of adhesions in surrounding tissues. Meticulous surgical technique using a multistrand core suture and a peripheral suture is […]

Controversies in the Management of Distal Radius Fractures

Kenneth Koval J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2014 vol. 22 no. 9 ntroversies span the entire spectrum of management of distal radius fractures—fracture assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation of outcomes. The utility of multiple radiographic views described in the literature has not been validated. Likewise, the several classification systems that exist have yet to demonstrate […]

Fingertip Injuries: An Update on Management

Donald H. Lee article. Abstract Injuries to the fingertip are common. The goal of treatment is restoration of a painless, functional digit with protective sensation. The amount of soft-tissue loss, the integrity of the nail bed, and the age and physical demands of the patient should be considered when selecting a treatment method. Some new […]

Intrinsic Contracture of the Hand: Diagnosis and Management

Rick Tosti J Am Acad Orthop Surg October 2013 vol. 21 no. 10 Abstract Intrinsic contracture of the hand may result from trauma, spasticity, ischemia, rheumatologic disorders, or iatrogenic causes. In severe cases, the hand assumes a posture with hyperflexed metacarpophalangeal joints and hyperextended proximal interphalangeal joints as the contracted interossei and lumbrical muscles deform […]

Management of Nonunion Following Surgical Management of Scaphoid Fractures: Current Concepts

Edward S. Moon J Am Acad Orthop Surg September 2013 vol. 21 no. 9 Abstract Management of scaphoid nonunion after failed surgery for acute scaphoid fracture presents a unique treatment challenge. Prior surgery complicates patient evaluation and increases the technical difficulty of future procedures. Healing of nonunion is crucial to prevent carpal collapse and progressive […]

Treatment of Distal Radius Fractures

Jayson Murray J Am Acad Orthop Surg. Vol 21 Nº 8 August 2013 The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons has developed Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC) for treating distal radius fractures (DRF). Evidence-based information, in conjunction with the clinical expertise of physicians, was used to develop the criteria to improve patient care and obtain best outcomes […]

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