Artroplastia total de cadera aluminio-aluminio.(Inglés)

«Artroplastia total de cadera aluminio-aluminio.Estudio de seguimiento con un mínimo de cinco años.» Jeong Joon Yoo, MD1, Young-Min Kim, MD2, Kang Sup Yoon, MD3, Kyung-Hoi Koo, MD2, Won Seok Song, MD1 and Hee Joong Kim, MD1 1 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Seoul National University Hospital, 28 Yongondong, Chongnogu, 110-744, Seoul, Korea. E-mail address for H.J. […]

Utilización del recurso hospitalario para la revisión de artroplastia de cadera.

«Utilización del recurso hospitalario para la primera revisión de artroplastia total de cadera.» Kevin J. Bozic, MD, MBA1, Patricia Katz, PhD1, Miriam Cisternas, MA2, Linda Ono, BA1, Michael D. Ries, MD1 and Jonathan Showstack, PhD1 1 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery (K.J.B. and M.D.R.), Performance Improvement Group (L.O.), and Institute for Health Policy Studies (P.K. and […]

Reducción de la frecuencia de la luxación temprara post-artroplastia de cadera.

«Papel de las limitaciones del paciente en la reducción de la frecuencia de la luxación temprana siguiente a la artroplastia total de cadera.» E. Louis Peak, MD1, Javad Parvizi, MD, FRCS1, Michael Ciminiello, MD1, James J. Purtill, MD1, Peter F. Sharkey, MD1, William J. Hozack, MD1 and Richard H. Rothman, MD, PhD1 1 Rothman Institute, […]

Alivio del síndrome del chasquido interno de cadera en corredor de maratón despu

«Alivio del síndrome del chasquido interno de cadera en corredor de maratón después del tratamiento quiropráctico.» Clark R. Konczak, DC a * [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Rick Ames, DC b [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Abstract Objective To discuss the assessment, diagnosis and chiropractic management of a patient with sacroiliac joint dysfunction (SIJ) complicated by psoas major snapping hip syndrome […]

Complicaciones de la incisión mínima en la artroplastia total de cadera. (Inglés

Huo, Michael H; Gilbert, Nathan F Abstract: Purpose of review: Minimal incision surgery (MIS) has received tremendous attention both in the press and in orthopedic communities. This review includes data from the most recent studies published in orthopedic journals or presented at national meetings. Recent findings: Significant controversies exist with regard to the efficacy and […]

Tromboembolismos después de la artroplastia total de cadera. (Inglés)

Huo, Michael H a; Stuckey, Ryan b Abstract: Purpose of review: Venous thromboembolism after total hip replacement remains one of the most frequent complications. Controversy exists over which prophylaxis is most effective and safe. Moreover, many orthopedic surgeons have become less aware of its importance because of the very low rate of symptomatic clinical events […]

La base genética aumenta el riesgo de osteoartritis de cadera. (Inglés)

Spencer, Jonathan M FRCS; Loughlin, John PHD; Clipsham, Kim RGN; Carr, Andrew J FRCS Abstract: Using a cohort of 49 families with at least one affected female sibling pair who had total hip arthroplasty for end-stage primary osteoarthritis, we determined the prevalence and relative risk of symptomatic and radiographic osteoarthritis in 145 children. The relative […]

Osteotomía periacetabular incompolet en la displasia neuromuscular de cadera.(I)

«Osteotomía periacetabular incompoleta para el tratamiento de la displasia neuromuscular de cadera. Roposch, Andreas MD *+; Wedge, John H MD, FRCS (C) * Abstract: Standard innominate osteotomies that are recommended for treatment of the typical form of developmental dysplasia of the hip are not recommended for dysplasia associated with neuromuscular disorders. A periacetabular osteotomy that […]

Osteotomía para el tratamiento de la displasia neuromuscular de cadera.(Inglés)

«Osteotomía periacetabular incompleta para el tratamiento de la displasia neuromuscular de cadera.» Roposch, Andreas MD *+; Wedge, John H MD, FRCS (C) * Abstract: Standard innominate osteotomies that are recommended for treatment of the typical form of developmental dysplasia of the hip are not recommended for dysplasia associated with neuromuscular disorders. A periacetabular osteotomy that […]

Fracturas de la cara posteiror del acetábulo tratadas únicamente con tornillos.

Im, Gun-Il MD; Shin, Yong-Woon MD; Song, Young-Joon MD Abstract: Background: The use of a buttress plate in addition to lag screws has been recommended for fractures to the posterior wall of the acetabulum. However, there is a lack of possible criteria for the use of screws alone. This study aimed to evaluate the use […]

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