Influencia del diseño de la artroplastia de cadera en la luxaxión…(I)

«Influencia del diseño de la artroplastia de cadera en la luxaxión: Un modelo informático y análisis clínico.» Padgett, Douglas E MD *; Lipman, Joseph MS *; Robie, Bruce PhD [S]; Nestor, Bryan J MD * Abstract: Dislocation following hip arthroplasty remains problematic. While the etiology of dislocation may be multifactorial, implant system design may play […]

Integridad de la reparación de estructuras posteiror después de la THA. (I)

Su, Edwin P MD *; Mahoney, Craig R MD +; Adler, Ronald S MD *; Padgett, Douglas E MD *; Pellicci, Paul M MD * Abstract: Various studies have questioned the benefit of repairing the posterior structures after total hip arthroplasty because their integrity can appear disrupted at followup. However, these studies did not directly […]

Recuperación funcional temprana en adultos jóvenes con fractura descuidadas…

«Recuperación funcional temprana en adultos jóvenes con fractura descuidadas de cuello de fémur.» Roshan, Amit MBBS *; Ram, Shatrughna FRCS, MCh(Orth) + Abstract: Neglected femoral fractures in young adults are a challenge to the orthopaedic surgeon, requiring prolonged treatment and with attendant risks of nonunion. We postulated treatment in this group by accurate reduction, two […]

Determinación de la certeza de la clasificación de Graf para la displasia…(I)

«Determinación de la certeza de la clasificación de Graf para la displasia de cadera.» Roposch, Andreas MD, MSc *+; Graf, Reinhard MD ++; Wright, James G MD, MPH + Abstract: We sought to establish the levels of interrater reliability and intrarater reliability of the Graf classification among orthopaedic surgeons in their final training year and […]

Asistencia artroscópica en la cirugía de la fractura del cóndilo femoral lateral

«Asistencia artroscópica en la cirugía de la fractura del cóndilo femoral lateral intra-articular.» Murat Demirel M.D., a, , Ferit Dereboy M.D.a, Ali Ozturk M.D.a and Egemen Turhan M.D.a aDepartment of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Ankara Bayindir Hospital, Ankara, Turkey Abstract As with any other intra-articular fracture, the distal intra-articular femoral fracture has always been a challenge […]

Fracaso prematuro de la artroplastia de cadera. (Inglés)

Dobzyniak, Matthew MD *; Fehring, Thomas K MD +; Odum, Susan MEd, MA + Abstract: Although some patients experience a success rate greater than 90% after total hip arthroplasty, others require revision surgery within 5 years after the index procedure. The purpose of our study was to analyze the failure mechanisms in patients who had […]

Tumores malignos en el sitio de la prótesis total de cadera. Revisión analítica

Tuomo Visuri MD, PhD, ⁎, Pekka Pulkkinen MSc† and Pekka Paavolainen MD, PhD‡ ⁎Department of Surgery, Central Military Hospital, Helsinki, Finland †Department of Public Health University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland ‡Orton, Hospital of the Invalid Foundation, Helsinki, Finland Abstract During the years 1974 to 2003, a total of 46 cases of malignant tumors at the […]

Deambulación temprana después de una fractura de cadera. (Inglés)

Albert L. Siu, MD, MSPH; Joan D. Penrod, PhD; Kenneth S. Boockvar, MD, MS; Kenneth Koval, MD; Elton Strauss, MD; R. Sean Morrison, MD Background Few studies have examined the relationship between inpatient bed rest and functional outcomes. We examined how immobility is associated with function and mortality in patients with hip fracture. Methods We […]

Metal-metal doloroso en la artroplastia total de cadera.(Inglés)

Cambize Shahrdar MD⁎, Pat Campbell PhD†, Joseph Mirra MD† and Lawrence D. Dorr MD⁎, ⁎Dorr Arthritis Institute, Department of Orthopedics, Arthritis Institute at Centinela Hospital Medical Center, Inglewood, CA †Research Department, Orthopedic Hospital, Los Angeles, CA Abstract Two patients were evaluated for the possibility of hypersensitivity to a Metasul articulation (Centerpulse, Austin, Tex) coupled with […]

Tromboembolismo venoso poco frecuente…después de artroplastia total cadera…

«Tromboembolismo venoso poco frecuente con un protocolo de profilaxis multimodal después de la artroplastia total de cadera.» Clinical Della Valle, Alejandro Gonzalez MD *+; Serota, Alana MD *; Go, George BS *; Sorriaux, Gregory MD ++; Sculco, Thomas P MD *+; Sharrock, Nigel E MB, ChB *+; Salvati, Eduardo A MD *+ Abstract: We evaluated […]

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