
Ventaja de los miembros salvados sobre la amputación para tumores …(Inglés)

"Ventaja de los miembros salvados sobre la amputación para tumores proximales de la extremidades inferiores."

Pardasaney, Poonam K PT, MS *; Sullivan, Patricia E DPT, PhD *; Portney, Leslie G DPT, PhD *; Mankin, Henry J MD +


Although function after lower extremity amputation and limb salvage has been compared, no study has assessed individual functional variables by surgical level. Our aim was to determine whether risks of long-term psychologic and physical limitations were associated with amputation or limb salvage at four levels: below-knee, above-knee, hip, and pelvis. We included 408 patients with sarcomas and postoperative followup of 2 years or greater who had completed a quality-of-life self-report questionnaire. The mean length of followup was 8.91 +/- 5.15 years (range, 2-27 years). Relative risk analysis was done on 12 dichotomous general health, psychologic, and physical function variables. At the below-knee level, outcomes were similar after both procedures. At the above-knee level, amputation was associated with increased risk of limp (RR = 1.6), walking aid use (RR = 2.1), anxiety (RR = 2.4), and inability to drive (RR = 3), and decreased risk of muscle weakness (RR = 0.57). At the hip and pelvic levels, outcomes were descriptively compared because of the small number of amputations. At these higher levels, limitations were more common after amputation. The difference in results between the below-knee and above-knee levels supports the importance of distinguishing surgical levels. Limb salvage offers a functional advantage at proximal tumor locations.

Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research. 444:201-208, March 2006.

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