
Uso de anestesia regional en pacientes con riesgo de síndrome compartimental…

"Uso de anestesia regional en pacientes con riesgo de síndrome compartimental agudo." E.T. Davis, , A. Harris, D. Keene, K. Porter and M. Manji

Department of Orthopaedics and Trauma, University Hospital Birmingham NHS Trust, UK


A delay in the diagnosis of an acute compartment syndrome can be devastating to the patient. The increasing use of regional anaesthesia in the management of orthopaedic and trauma patients raises concerns about the potential for delay in the diagnosis of acute compartment syndrome. We undertook a postal survey to assess the usage of regional anaesthesia in patients with lower limb fractures. The study showed that regional anaesthesia is being used in patients at risk of compartment syndrome and without compartment pressure monitoring equipment being available. The anaesthetists questioned had seen cases of acute compartment syndrome being masked by regional anaesthesia.

We recommend that there is an urgent need to establish joint guidelines between the orthopaedic and anaesthetic communities on the usage of regional anaesthesia in patients with lower limb fractures to reduce further morbidity from delays in the diagnosis of compartment syndrome.

Injury. Volume 37, Issue 2 , February 2006, Pages 128-133.

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