Cadera y pelvis

Ultrasonido en diagnótico y manejo de la enfermedad de cadera en pediatría.(In.)

"La aplicación de ultrasonido en el diagnóstico y el manejo de condiciones de cadera pediátrica."

Christopher Fanga, Howard Portessa and David Wilsonb.

aDepartment of Radiology, John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington, Oxford OX3 9DU, UK bNuffield Orthopaedic Hospital, Old Road, Headington, Oxford OX3 7LD, UK


In comparison to adults, the skeleton of the neonate has a higher ratio of cartilage to bone, making it well suited to examination by ultrasound. Cartilage can be easily distinguished from soft tissue, thus offering a substantial advantage over the plain radiograph. Furthermore, using ultrasound as the primary investigation avoids exposure to ionising radiation. Ultrasound is both a multiplanar and a dynamic imaging technique. Thus, it allows easy comparison between normal and abnormal sides whilst observing changes during motion. There is no need for sedation and the parents may be close to the infant throughout the examination.

This article will discuss commonly encountered abnormalities for which there is accepted and widespread use of ultrasound examination: developmental hip dysplasia, irritable hip syndrome and snapping hip syndrome.

Current Orthopaedics. Volume 18, Issue 4 , August 2004, Pages 291-303

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