Mano y muñeca

Tratamiento quirúrgico de macrodactilia en niños mayores y en adultos. (Inglés)

Metin Akinci, MD a * [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Sadan Ay, MD a [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Ömer Erçetin, MD a [MEDLINE LOOKUP]


Purpose To introduce a surgical technique for the treatment of macrodactyly in older children and adults, to represent the degree of correction obtained by the procedure, and to give the functional results.

Methods Two thumbs and 5 fingers of 5 patients aged 12 to 32 years (mean, 17.5 years) with macrodactyly had surgery. The amount of tissue sufficient to reconstruct a normal-sized digit was left attached with the neurovascular bundle on the concave side of the macrodactylic digit and complete excision of whatever remained was performed. This requires usually arthrodesis of the distal interphalangeal joint with bone shortening. The large skin fold created during bone shortening and remaining angulations at the proximal phalanx were corrected during a second procedure. The patients were evaluated for 3 to 9 years (mean, 5.4 years) after the surgery. The length and circumferences of the involved digits and their opposites were measured before surgery and during the last follow-up examination to calculate the differences between the involved and the healthy digits, which were documented. The degree of reduction was quantified and noted. Two-point discrimination tests and active range of motion of the joints were recorded as well.

Results For the thumbs an average 37% of circumference and 15% of length were reduced and for the fingers an average 44% of circumference and 35% of length were reduced. Ranges of motion of the joints of the involved digits were the same or nearly the same as before surgery in all of the cases. Two-point discriminations at the pulp of the involved digits were found to be the same as presurgical values in all digits.

Conclusions The technique is precise and simplifies the planning of the surgery. Although the macrodactylic digits with angulation deformities required a subsequent surgery for corrections patients with marked macrodactyly of the digit without a very wide proximal phalanx and metacarpal gained most from this technique.

The Journal of Hand Surgery. November 2004 • Volume 29 • Number 6.

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