Tobillo y pie

Tratamiento de la fascitis plantar recalcitrante por fasciotomía…(Inglés)

"Tratamiento de la fascitis plantar recalcitrante por fasciotomía con aguja guidad por ecografía."

Y. Folmana, , , G. Bartalb, A. Breitgandb, S. Shabatc and N. Rona

aDepartment of Orthopaedic, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Hadera 38100, Israel bDepartment of Imaging, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Hadera 38100, Israel cDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Meir Medical Center, Kefar Sava, Israel


Plantar fasciotomy was carried out in 32 patients who had typical heel pain that had persisted for three months or longer. Following induction of local anesthesia, an 18-gauge needle was guided toward and into the plantar fascia by real-time sonography. The criterion for operative success was the appearance of an acoustic window within the plantar fascia. Pain intensity was graded on an 11-point visual analog scale (VAS). Questionnaires combining the VAS and a 0–100 point Daly score were filled out after treatment to determine the effectiveness of the procedure. The follow-up averaged 13.5 months. 78% were overweight (BMI>25). The mean pain score decreased by 6.72 points, a 73±21% improvement (P<0.001). The mean post-operative Daly score was 88.3±16.2. There were no complications during or after the procedure.

Sonographically-guided needle fasciotomy is a safe and effective method for the relief of conservatively unmanageable heel pain due to plantar fasciitis.

Foot and Ankle Surgery Volume 11, Issue 4 , 2005, Pages 211-214.

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