Hombro y codo

Tratamiento artroscópico de la inestabilidad glenohumeral. (I)

Jeffrey E. Budoff MD, a, and Eugene M. Wolf MDa

aDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX; and Private Practice, San Francisco, CA.

Arthroscopic treatment of glenohumeral instability using modern suture anchor techniques has reported recurrence rates equal to open techniques, even in high-demand contact athletes. Compared with open procedures, arthroscopic stabilization leads to less morbidity and less stiffness, leading to improved postoperative function, especially in overhead athletes. This article highlights the technical aspects of arthroscopic treatment of anterior glenohumeral instability.

The Journal of Hand Surgery. Volume 31, Issue 8 , October 2006, Pages 1387-1396.

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