Hombro y codo

Se deben inmovilizar en rotación externa las luxaciones agudas de hombro.(In.)

"¿Se deben inmovilizar en rotación externa las luxaciones agudas anteriores de hombro? Estudio en cadaver.

Bruce S. Miller, MD a [MEDLINE LOOKUP] David H. Sonnabend, MD a [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Cameron Hatrick, MD a [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Sean O’Leary, MD a [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Jerome Goldberg, MD a [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Wade Harper, MD a [MEDLINE LOOKUP] William R. Walsh, PhD a * [MEDLINE LOOKUP]


The high recurrence rate associated with anterior shoulder dislocations may reflect inadequate healing of a Bankart lesion when the arm is immobilized in internal rotation. The effect of external rotation (ER) of the humerus on the glenoid-labrum contact of Bankart lesions was examined in 10 human cadaveric shoulders. The contact force between the glenoid labrum and the glenoid was measured in 60° of internal rotation, neutral rotation, and 45° of ER in 10 human cadaveric shoulders. No detectable contact force was found with the arm in internal rotation. The contact force increased as the arm passed through neutral rotation and reached a maximum at 45° of ER. The contact force returned to 0 g when the arm was returned to neutral rotation. The mean contact force at 45° of ER was 83.5 g. External rotation significantly increases the labrum-glenoid contact force and may influence the healing of a Bankart lesion.

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. November/December 2004 • Volume 13 • Number 6.

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