
Revisión sistemática y metanálisis de ensayos clínicos en epicondialgia lateral.

"Revisión sistemática y metaanálisis de los ensayos clínicos en intervenciones físicas para la epicondialgia lateral."

L Bisset1, A Paungmali1, B Vicenzino2 and E Beller3

1 Division of Physiotherapy, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland, Australia 2 Musculoskeletal Pain and Injury Research Unit, Division of Physiotherapy, University of Queensland 3 Queensland Clinical Trials Centre, University of Queensland

ABSTRACT A systematic review of the literature on the effectiveness of physical interventions for lateral epicondylalgia (tennis elbow) was carried out. Seventy six randomised controlled trials were identified, 28 of which satisfied the minimum criteria for meta-analysis. The evidence suggests that extracorporeal shock wave therapy is not beneficial in the treatment of tennis elbow. There is a lack of evidence for the long term benefit of physical interventions in general. However, further research with long term follow up into manipulation and exercise as treatments is indicated.

Br J Sports Med 2005;39:411-422.

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