
Resultados funcionales para la rigidez de rodilla depués de la artroplastia. (I)

"Resultados funcionales después de la revisión de los componentes de fijación para la rigidez después de la artroplastia total de rodilla."

George J. Haidukewych, MD * [MEDLINE LOOKUP] David J. Jacofsky, MD † [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Mark W. Pagnano, MD † [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Robert T. Trousdale, MD † [MEDLINE LOOKUP]


Between 1990 and 2001, 16 well-fixed, aseptic, primary total knee arthroplasties were revised in 15 patients for a diagnosis of stiffness. Patients were followed for a mean of 42 months (range, 2-6 years). Of 15 patients, 10 (66%) were satisfied with the results of the procedure. The mean Knee Society pain score improved from 28 to 65 points, and the mean functional score improved from 45 to 58 points. The mean arc of motion improved from 40° preoperatively to 73° postoperatively. Recurrent stiffness required additional intervention in 4 knees (3 patients, 25%). The results of revision of a well-fixed, stiff, primary total knee arthroplasty were mixed in our hands and provided only modest improvements in pain, function, and arc of motion.

The Journal of Arthroplasty. February 2005 • Volume 20 • Number 2

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