Cadera y pelvis

Resultado del manejo no quirúrgico de las fracturas de cuello femoral. (I)

Ma Shuqianga, , , Wang Kunzhenga, Tong Zhichaob, Zhang Mingyua and Wang Weia

aDepartment of Orthopedics, Second Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shanxi 710004, China bDepartment of Orthopedics, Xi’an Red Cross Hospital, Xi’an, Shanxi 710012, China


Background We studied the operation rate for secondary displacement in Garden type 1 femoral neck fracture when treated primarily conservatively.

Methods We reviewed the records of 115 patients with Garden type 1 femoral neck fractures primarily treated conservatively.

Results Operation for secondary displacement was required in 48 cases (41%); the displacement rate was highest at age 60–80 years. There was significant difference between age and secondary displacement, but none between gender, ASA classification or Pauwels angle and secondary displacement.

Conclusion Garden type 1 femoral neck fractures deserve special attention because of the high rate of secondary displacement when they are conservatively treated, and surgery should therefore considered.

Injury Volume 37, Issue 10 , October 2006, Pages 974-978.

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