Columna vertebral

Resultado a los diez años posteriores al tratamiento de la escoliosis idiopática

Andersen, Mikkel O. MD *; Christensen, Steen B. MD, DMSci +; Thomsen, Karsten MD, DMSci *


Study Design. A total of 215 consecutive patients treated either by bracing or operation received a questionnaire after 9.7 years.

Objective. The aim of the present study was to elucidate the long-term outcome in a group of brace (BT) or surgical treated (ST) patients suffering AIS.

Summary of Background Data. In adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), the options are BT or ST and, together with the disease itself, they may both be physically and psychologically demanding.

Methods. The main topics of a questionnaire were demographics, back pain, activities of daily living, and SF-36.

Results. A total of 181 replied. The mean age at follow-up was 26.0 years. The level of back or leg pain was relatively low, and the BT patients had more pain than their ST peers. We saw a generally high level of ADL and found no significant difference between BT and ST patients in the present study for any of the SF-36 variables. Compared with age-matched controls, the SF-36 scores were lower in the AIS patients. Brace related questions revealed a significant impact of the disease and the treatment on the patients' lives.

Conclusions. The patients had moderately reduced perceived health status and activities of daily living, and increased pain with the ST patients generally at a better level than the BT.

Spine. 31(3):350-354, February 1, 2006.

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