Hombro y codo

Reconstrucción lateral de codo utilizando una nueva técnica de fijación.(I)

Richard C. Lehman, M.D. * [MEDLINE LOOKUP]


A radial collateral ligament reconstruction using interference fit screws instead of bone tunnels is described that uses a new screw design. A standard free graft is harvested. The isometric points on the lateral epicondylar ridge and ulna are identified. Fixation is completed after the isometricity of the insertion site is ensured and the graft is appropriately tensioned. A new interference-fit screw system is used (Arthrex, Naples, FL). There is much less trauma to the elbow, the fixation is stronger, and the scarring I believe will be minimized based on this technique.

The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery. April 2005 • Volume 21 • Number 4.

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