
Raza, etnia, cobertua del seguro y situación preoperatoria en pacientes…

"La raza, la etnia, cobertua del seguro y situación preoperatoria en pacientes quirúrgicos de rodilla y cadera."

Carlos J. Lavernia, MD *,† * [MEDLINE LOOKUP] David Lee, PhD ‡ [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Rafael J. Sierra, MD § [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Orlando Gómez-Marn, MSc, PhD ‡,¶ [MEDLINE LOOKUP]


Our objective was to examine the association between race/ethnicity and insurance type and the preoperative status of patients undergoing joint arthroplasty surgery. Quality of life and WOMAC measures were collected preoperatively in a consecutive series of patients undergoing primary hip or knee arthroplasties (n = 573). Non-Hispanic whites had lower preoperative pain and WOMAC scores and higher Quality Well Being Index and SF-36 scores compared with other racial/ethnic subgroups. Patients with Medicare/private insurance had better preoperative scores relative to patients with Medicaid or no insurance. Racial/ethnic status was generally more strongly associated with preoperative status than was insurance type. Hispanics, blacks, and patients without Medicare or private health insurance reach arthroplasty surgery with lower preoperative functional and health status.

The Journal of arthroplasty. December 2004 • Volume 19 • Number 8.

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