
Nuevos tratamientos para la osteoartritis temprana de rodilla. (Inglés)

S.P. Krishnana, and J.A. Skinnerb, ,

aJoint Reconstruction Unit, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore, UK bRoyal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore, UK


While partial/total knee replacement remains the cornerstone of treatment of end stage osteoarthritis (OA), there is a large population of patients with painful knees and early arthritis for whom arthroplasty is inappropriate. Weight loss, anti-inflammatory analgesics, physiotherapy, use of sticks, and activity modification remain the basis of treatment in this group. In this article we review the evidence for a number of popular treatment options and review possible future therapeutic strategies. Once considered a safer alternative, COX-2 inhibitors have become the subject of intense scrutiny with recent evidence suggesting cardiac and CNS side effects. Current evidence supports the use of intra-articular visco-supplementation and corticosteroids but the role of oral glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate remains debatable. Arthroscopic debridement and micro-fracture techniques are shown to be effective in selected patients.

Current Orthopaedics Volume 19, Issue 6 , December 2005, Pages 407-414.

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