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New advances in wrist arthroscopy


Bain GI, Munt J, Turner PC. Arthroscopy. 2008 Mar;24(3):355-67. Epub 2008 Jan 29. Wrist arthroscopy is a commonly used procedure that has undergone many modifications and improvements since it was first described. The advent of new portals (both dorsal and volar) means that the wrist joint can be viewed from virtually any perspective ('box concept'). Indications for wrist arthroscopy have continued to expand and include diagnostic and reparative procedures and, more recently, reconstructive, soft-tissue, and bony procedures. Arthroscopic grading of Kienböck's disease better describes articular damage compared with plain radiographs and can help guide surgical treatment options. Triangular fibrocartilage complex injury diagnosis, classification, and treatment can be performed arthroscopically, including distal ulna resection (wafer procedure). Assessment of fracture reduction of the distal radius and scaphoid is superior to that obtained with fluoroscopy, with the advantage of being able to look for associated soft-tissue and chondral injuries. Arthroscopic assessment of intercarpal ligament injuries and instability is now considered the gold standard by many authors. Arthroscopy can also aid us in the management of post-traumatic capsular contraction, resection of ganglia, and the relatively rare isolated ulna styloid impaction. Complications of wrist arthroscopy are relatively uncommon. With the ever-expanding list of indications and procedures that can be performed with this technique, it exists as an essential diagnostic and therapeutic tool for the orthopaedic surgeon.

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