We hypothesized that step aerobics training might be suitable to preserve or even improve the musculoskeletal unit in older patients with osteoporosis and find this issue worthwhile to be investigated in a randomized trial. However, this is challenging due to the age of the target group and the type of intervention desired. In fact, recruitment of patients was challenging and reasonable resources are required for training of even such a small number of patients. On the one hand, it was greatly appreciated and supportive for the protocol adherence of our participants, on the other hand this is probably not feasible if the number of patients is increased.
We investigated the effects on neuromuscular function and decided for examination of the plantar flexors instead of the quadriceps muscles. Although the latter are equally important for step aerobic training, stimulation of the femoral nerve is less comfortable than stimulation of the posterior tibial nerve. However, about one third of the patients from the control group refused to repeat this type of examinations secondary to the associated discomfort and/or the expenditure of time (2 h for the complete investigation per patient). Due to financial restrictions, we were not able to offer the participants financial compensation.
We have clearly shown that maximal voluntary strength as well as neural activation of soleus (V/Msup) were improved after 3 and 6 months of training compared to controls. Six months of training significantly improved explosive voluntary strength in the time interval 0–50 ms. In addition, differences between groups were noted with respect to the evoked peak twitch torques.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study analyzing the effects of modified step aerobics training on maximal voluntary strength, V-wave and twitch mechanical parameters in older patients suffering from osteoporosis. Most studies on physical adaptations following step aerobics training focussed on changes in functional fitness [16, 34, 35] and balance performance [36]. Although it has been shown that step aerobics has the potential to increase voluntary strength [16, 35], little is known about the underlying neuromuscular adaptations. Our data indicate that step aerobics training increased maximal voluntary strength of the plantar flexors in osteoporotic patients due to an increased neural drive to the agonistic muscle and improved contractile function of the triceps surae muscle. The strength gain observed after 3 months of training were probably due to neural and muscular adaptations, i.e., an increased normalized V-wave (V/Msup) and peak twitch torque. By contrast, the strength gain obtained during the subsequent 3 months of training was probably mainly due to muscular changes because indices of neural activation of muscles remained at the same level while peak twitch torque of the plantar flexors continued to rise.
An enhanced normalized V-wave was previously observed after strength training in young adults [32] and probably reflects an increased α-motoneuron firing frequency and/or recruitment. In this context, it has to be noted that the V-wave response is susceptible to alterations in presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents as well [32]. It has been suggested that voluntary strength increases during the first weeks of training are primarily due to increased muscle activity and subsequent hypertrophy of muscle fibers [37]. Interestingly, co-contraction of tibialis anterior during MVC was different between groups. Because changes in co-contraction of tibialis anterior during plantar flexion did not seem to enhance reciprocal inhibition of the triceps surae [38], V-wave responses were probably not affected by the increased muscle activity. In general, strength training of an agonistic muscle decreases co-activation of the antagonist [37]. Our patients had to produce muscular forces to descend and ascend a stepper during the training. This exercise is not only characterized by high moments acting on the joint [39] but also requires to keep balance. This can be achieved by increasing tibialis anterior muscle activity during torque production of the plantar flexors because an increased activity of antagonistic muscles at the same time induces opposing muscle forces that increase the stiffness about the involved joint. Furthermore, activation of the dorsal flexors is required during stepping upstairs to avoid collision of the tiptoes with the stepper.
The training regimen induced changes in contractile properties of the plantar flexors, i.e., an increase in the twitch mechanical parameters induced by electrical stimulation at rest. It has been shown that peak twitch torque of the plantar flexors induced by electrical stimulation of the posterior tibial nerve is highly correlated with triceps surae cross-sectional area assessed by peripheral quantitative computer tomography [40]. Thus, our findings point to training-related hypertrophic changes in the triceps surae muscle even in these older osteoporotic patients.
Explosive voluntary strength in the time interval 0–50 ms was increased following 6 months of training, whereas normalized agonistic muscle activity has not changed. Most likely, adaptations at the muscular level were responsible for the enhanced mechanical output [41]. In addition, it has been shown that voluntary RTD is positively related to the stiffness of the tendon-aponeurosis complex [42]. Therefore, it may be that changes in stiffness of the tendon-aponeurosis complex following the intervention contributed to the observed result.
During ascending and descending stairs moments at weight-bearing joints are much greater than those during level walking [39]. These high moments have to be generated by the muscles of the lower limbs and may stimulate neural and muscular adaptations comparable to those induced by strength training. The training-related neuromuscular adaptations of the plantar flexors in our patients are well in line with these findings. Thus, modified step aerobics appears to be not only a feasible training regimen but also to enhance neuromuscular performance even in older osteoporotic patients. It remains to be elucidated whether the training regimen will also reduce the risk of falls and/or low-energy fractures.
Our study has some limitations. First of all, our sample might be biased as we invited patients from one center only and those who finally agreed are certainly those most interested in an active contribution to maintain skeletal health and were in a rather good physical condition. Although we failed to prospectively announce the study at a public registry, one may doubt that this would have helped to recruit patients. Second, randomization was according to age and sex, whereas duration of disease, nutritional behavior, osteoporosis specific medication, neuromuscular performance and comorbidities were not considered at all. Instead, we wanted to learn about the conditions and specific considerations inherent to a physical intervention in old and perhaps already disabled patients with osteoporosis. Such specific considerations are for example related to (1) recruitment and randomization of elderly patients with osteoporosis, (2) type, timing (i.e., morning or evening), frequency, duration per session and intensity of the intervention, (3) the accessibility of the training center by public transportation, (4) the number of trainers and supportive staff required during exercise and data acquisition at time of study examinations, and (5) the need for heart rate monitoring during the training session.
All participants of the intervention group were really eager not to miss the training sessions and roughly half of the intervention group continued the training for additional 6 months. Furthermore, at the end of the study period even half of the control group wanted to start the same training protocol.