
Modalidades de imagen para sarcomas de hueso y tejidos suaves.(Inglés)

Rosenthal, Daniel I


Purpose of review:
There has been continuing rapid progress in imaging, making it necessary to continually reassess the proper role of imaging in the care of patients with a sarcoma of bone or soft tissues.

Recent findings:
Significant developments have occurred in three major areas: positron emission tomography, MRI, and intervention. Positron emission tomography has become much more widely available and has been shown to be useful in identifying viable neoplasms. Along with increasing use has come the recognition of various pitfalls. MRI-based methods to identify viable tumors have continued to advance. These techniques can be used to evaluate the effects of treatment. Interventional efforts have mostly been focused on treatment of symptomatic metastases. However, growth in the use of imaging has resulted in calls for greater efficiency of use and cost containment.

Imaging has an important role in diagnosis, staging, and follow-up of the patient with a sarcoma. Important advances promise even greater applications in the future, but these methods must be used judiciously.

Current Opinion in Orthopedics. 15(6):468-472, December 2004.

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