
La aspiración de radón beneficia a pacientes con osteoartritis. (Inglés)

Una reseña de: "Estudio de los efectos biológicos del radón y de la terapia termal en osteoartritis"

Radon inhalation appears to enhance antioxidation and immune function, suggesting that radon therapy helps prevent osteoarthritis related to peroxidation reactions and immune depression, according to the findings of a small new study.

Therapy with radon (222Rn) gas, volatilised from radon enriched water, emits alpha rays and induces a small amount of active oxygen in the body. Only a few studies with this therapy have been conducted in humans.

To investigate the molecular processes involved in radon inhalation therapy, Kiyonori Yamaoka, MD, with the Okayama University Medical School, Japan, and colleagues recruited 11 males and 9 females with osteoarthritis who were 50 to 70 years of age.

The subjects entered a room with a high concentration of radon, about 100-fold higher than background levels. They entered the room every 2 days, for 40 minutes a day. Blood samples were collected at baseline and at 2 hours, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 6 weeks after the first therapy.

The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) (hour 2, weeks 4 and 6) and catalase (weeks 4 and 6) were significantly increased compared to baseline. Likewise, levels of lipid peroxide and total cholesterol were significantly decreased in samples from hour 2, and weeks 2, 4 and 6. Total glutathione level did not change significantly.

Concanavalin A-induced mitogen response (on week 4) and CD4+/CD8- (on hour 2 and week 4) were significantly increased compared to baseline, while on weeks 2 and 4, CD4-/CD8+ was significantly decreased. Phytohemagglutinin-induced mitogen response, CD4+/CD8+ and CD4-/CD8- were unchanged.

On weeks 2 and 4, atrial natriuretic polypeptide (ANP) levels were significantly increased compared to baseline, while on hour 2, weeks 2 and 4, the vasopressin level was significantly decreased.

The levels of E endorphin (on hour 2, weeks 2 and 4) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (on weeks 2 and 4) were significantly increased compared to the baseline. Uric acid levels showed no significant changes.

"In this study, the levels of lipid peroxide and total cholesterol in the osteoarthritis patients blood were found to be decreased by low dose alpha-rays irradiation with radon inhalation," Dr. Yamaoka and colleagues conclude.

"In order to enhance the beneficial effects of radon inhalation, the optimal doses of radon should be determined together with the development of precise microdosimetry," the researchers suggest.

The Jorunal of Pain. February 2004, Volume 5, Number 1.

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