Cadera y pelvis

Influencia del diseño de artroplastia total de cadera en la luxación…(I)

"Influencia del diseño de artroplastia total de cadera en la luxación: Un modelo informático y análisis clínico."

Padgett, Douglas E MD *; Lipman, Joseph MS *; Robie, Bruce PhD [S]; Nestor, Bryan J MD *


Dislocation following hip arthroplasty remains problematic. While the etiology of dislocation may be multifactorial, implant system design may play a role. Using a computer aided design program, virtual range of motion of several commonly implanted designs was performed with prosthetic interference representing impingement used as an endpoint. Implants with small diameter head size (22mm) and a larger trunion geometry (type II taper) demonstrated impingement in flexion at less than 90[degrees], suggesting an increased risk for dislocation. To investigate this clinically, we performed a review of a consecutive series of 254 primary hip arthroplasties performed by a single surgeon using an implant with a type II taper (Biomet[TM], Warsaw, IN). At a minimum 2 year followup, 12 patients with 12 hips (4.8%) had at least one episode of dislocation. Stratified by head size, the dislocation rates were 3.6% for 28 mm, 4.8% for 26 mm, and 18.8% for 22mm bearings. These findings support the notion that computer aided design modeling of implant systems is useful in evaluating range of motion and this technique could be employed during the design of any new implant system.

Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research. 447:48-52, June 2006.

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