Hombro y codo

Identificación del nervio frénico en exploración quirúrgica del plexo braquial.

Identificación de nervio frénico en la exploración quirúrgica del plexo braquial en la parálisis obstetrica.


This report describes a simple technique for identifying the phrenic nerve at the beginning of exploration of the brachial plexus in obstetrical palsy. Both the phrenic and supraclavicular nerves originate from the C4 root; therefore, retrograde dissection of the supraclavicular nerve will end at the C4 root and identify the phrenic nerve. This technique is very useful to less experienced surgeons but may also be helpful when the experienced surgeon encounters excessive scarring of the anterior scalene muscle. Finally, the dissected supraclavicular nerve may be used as a cable graft in brachial plexus reconstruction.

The Journal of Hand Surgery. May 2004. Volume 29. Number 3

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