Columna vertebral

Grasa intramuscular y tolerancia a la glucosa después de una lesión de médula.

"Grasa intramuscular y tolerancia a la glucosa después de una lesión de médula espinal a través de un estudio seccional."

C P Elder1, D F Apple3, C S Bickel1,4, R A Meyer2 and G A Dudley1,3 <p< 1Department of Exercise Science, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA
2Departments of Physiology and Radiology, Molecular Imaging Research Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
3Crawford Research Institute, Shepherd Center, Atlanta, GA, USA
4Department of Physical Therapy, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA, USA

Correspondence to: GA Dudley, 115 M Ramsey Center, Dept of Exercise Science, University of Georgia, 300 River Rd, Athens, GA 30602, USA


Study design: Survey.

Objective: Determine intramuscular fat (IMF) in affected skeletal muscle after complete spinal cord injury using a novel analysis method and determine the correlation of IMF to plasma glucose or plasma insulin during an oral glucose tolerance test.

Setting: General community of Athens, GA, USA.

Methods: A total of 12 nonexercise-trained complete spinal cord injured (SCI) persons (10 males and two females 40±12 years old (mean±SD), range 26-71 years, and 8±5 years post SCI) and nine nonexercise-trained nondisabled (ND) controls 29±9 years old, range 23-51 years, matched for height, weight, and BMI, had T1 magnetic resonance images of their thighs taken and underwent an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) after giving consent.

Results: Average skeletal muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) (mean±SD) was 58.6±21.6 cm2 in spinal cord subjects and 94.1±32.5 cm2 in ND subjects. Average IMF CSA was 14.5±6.0 cm2 in spinal cord subjects and 4.7±2.5 cm2 in nondisabled subjects, resulting in an almost four-fold difference in IMF percentage of 17.3±4.4% in spinal cord subjects and 4.6±2.6% in nondisabled subjects. The 60, 90 and 120 min plasma glucose or plasma insulin were higher in the SCI group. IMF (absolute and %) was related to the 90 or 120 min plasma glucose or plasma insulin (r2=0.71-0.40).

Conclusions: IMF is a good predictor of plasma glucose during an OGTT and may be a contributing factor to the onset of impaired glucose tolerance and type II diabetes, especially in SCI. In addition, reports of skeletal muscle CSA should be corrected for IMF.

Spinal Cord (2004) 42, 711-716.

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