
Fractura de muñeca en la práctica del snowboard. (Inglés)

Fractura de muñeca en la práctica del snowboard: Un estudio prospectivo para 3 temporadas de 1998 a 2001.

Matsumoto, Kazu MD *; Sumi, Hiroshi MD +; Sumi, Yasuhiko MD ++; Shimizu, Katsuji MD, DMSc *


Objectives: To elucidate the epidemiology and the mechanisms of snowboarding wrist injuries, especially distal radial fractures.

Design: A prospective survey of snowboarders with distal radial fractures.

Participants: From November 21, 1998, to April 22, 2001, we analyzed and interviewed 5110 injured snowboarders, and a total of 740 snowboarders with distal radial fractures were studied. On the basis of the medical records and radiographs, the severity of distal radial fracture was analyzed according to the AO classification.

Results: Distal radial fractures occurred at a rate of 0.31 per 1000 snowboarder visits and were assessed in 740 snowboarders in this study. Most of the injured snowboarders were either of beginner (42.0%) or intermediate level (48.1%). The most common events leading to an injury in snowboarding were falling (59.6%) and jumping (36.1%). Comminuted and articular fractures classified as AO types A3, B, and C, which required surgical treatment, made up 63.2% of distal radial fractures in snowboarders. The most remarkable differences between the first-time or beginner group and the intermediate or expert group were that the former had a significantly higher proportions of extra-articular fractures classified as AO type A (P < 0.05), and the latter were significantly more likely to have compression or complex intra-articular fractures such as AO type C (P < 0.05). Furthermore, first-time or beginner snowboarders were more likely to be injured because of a simple fall than were the intermediates or experts (P < 0.05). Over 60% of distal radial fractures classified as AO type C in the intermediate or expert group resulted from jumping. Furthermore, the side opposite to the snowboarder's preferred direction of stance was more often affected. A high incidence of injury during opposite-side edging, which is used more frequently in snowboarding, was found in novice female snowboarders.

Conclusions: This study suggested several patterns in the nature of wrist injuries sustained while snowboarding, and these facts should be taken into consideration in the diagnosis of wrist injuries in snow-boarders.

Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 14(2):64-71, March 2004.

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