
Flucloxacillin asociado con neutropenia en niños tratados de infecciones…(Ing)

"Flucloxacillin asociado con neutropenia en niños tratados de infecciones de hueso y articulaciones."

J van den Boom 1, JB Kristiansen 2, LM Voss1 and NS Stott 1

Objective: This report describes episodes of acute neutropenia associated with flucloxacillin use in children treated for bone and joint infections.

Methods: A retrospective chart audit was performed on eight children who developed neutropenia when treated with flucloxacillin.

Results: Eight children (aged 1 month to 13 years) had a diagnosis of neutropenia attributed to treatment with flucloxacillin, seven of whom received parenteral therapy. The time to onset of neutropenia averaged 27 days, with neutrophil counts returning to normal limits in all patients after 2 to 9 days. Two children were asymptomatic when the neutropenia was detected. The average flucloxacillin dose used was 65% (range 20100%) of the recommended maximum dose.

Conclusions: These cases suggest that flucloxacillin should be used with greater caution and guidelines for dosing and clinical monitoring (regular neutrophil counts) need to be reassessed, despite none of these patients experiencing serious sequelae.

Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health . Volume 41 Issue 1-2 Page 48 - January 2005.

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