
Fijación interna de las fracturas de radio distal con implantes novedosos…(I)

"Fijación interna de las fracturas de radio distal con implantes novedosos intramedulares."


Brooks, Kenneth R MD *; Capo, John T MD *; Warburton, Mark MD +; Tan, Virak MD *


Fracture of the distal radius is a common injury and treatment varies depending on the fracture, patient factors, and surgeon preference. Internal fixation has grown in popularity because it affords increased stability and early motion of the extremity. The desire to provide stable fracture support while minimizing soft tissue dissection and complications has led to the development of new intramedullary implants. These implants use distal screw divergence for subchondral support, fixed-angle screws locked to the implant, and minimally invasive technique to allow early patient rehabilitation. Early results of these intramedullary devices are promising but require longer followup.

Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research. 445:42-50, April 2006.

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