
Fascitis unilateral de la pierna inferior: Una manifestación paraneoplásica…I

"Fascitis unilateral de la pierna inferior: Una manifestación paraneoplásica de un tumor pancreático oculto."

Kuempers, Philipp *; Kohler, Lars MD *; Pertschy, Stefanie MD +; Kruger, Martin MD ++; Zeidler, Henning MD *; Freise, Julia MD, PhD * Abstract: We report an elderly woman with a 3-month history of abdominal pain and painful swelling of her right lower leg. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed extensive fasciitis of the right superficial and deep crural fasciae. Endoscopic ultrasonography identified a tumor in the tail region of the pancreas with regional lymphatic nodal disease and suspicion of liver metastasis. The temporal relationship between the fasciitis and the pancreatic tumor suggests cancer-associated fasciitis-panniculitis syndrome. We report for the first time the incidence of the fasciitis-panniculitis syndrome in a patient with a previously undiagnosed solid pancreatic tumor.

JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology. 12(3):139-141, June 2006.

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